Hitachi Air Conditioner Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Hitachi Air Conditioner is 91-079-30414800 / 30414747/ 3532-4848 .
Established in 1910, Hitachi Limited is a reputed multinational company in the world. It is a famous Japanese company that is known to produce a diversified range of products containing automotive components, industrial machinery, power plants, construction equipment, materials, electronics, information systems and telecommunications equipment.

Hitachi Air Conditioner Corresponding Address Contact Details

For General Inquiries: 91-079-30414800
For General Support: 91-079-30414747
Hitachi Air Conditioner can be contacted via their corresponding addresses that is given below:
Hitachi Complex, Karan Nagar Kadi
Dist. Mehsana - 382727
Gujarat India
Tel No. +91-2764-277571

Customer care contact details

The clients who want to contact customer care department of Hitachi Air Conditioner, can contact them via the address mentioned below:
A-15, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,
Mathura Road
New Delhi, India
Tel Number: +91 - 011 - 26991361/62/63

Hitachi Limited global operations are involved in several business segments including Social Infrastructure, Power Systems, Automotive Systems, Information & Telecommunications, Financial Services, Railway & Urban Systems, Digital Media & Consumer Products, Materials & Components, Construction Machinery, Electronic Systems & Equipment and Other Components & Systems. Hitachi Limited was originated in the year of 1910 and founded by Namihei Odaira. The company's corporate headquarters are placed in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. Hitachi does business around the world through its subsidiaries and divisions. Hitachi Home & Life Solutions (India) Limited is a sister company of Hitachi Limited, and it manufactures a broad range of home appliances for domestic and international customers. Hitachi Appliances or HHLI is engaged in the production of packaged air conditioners, commercial air conditioners, rooftops, chillers, room air conditioners, refrigerators, VRF systems and many other appliances. The company has wide presence in India with more than 21 branches, 34 authorized service centers and 5 regional offices. The customer care number of Hitachi Air Conditioner can be contacted from Surat, Varanasi, Navi Mumbai, Baroda, Mysore, Patna, Trichy, Uttar Pradesh, Kolkata, Gwalior, Aurangabad, Gurgaon, South Delhi, Ahmedabad, Jamshedpur, Goa, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Sangli, Ranchi, Uttarakhand, Goregaon, Coimbatore, Punjab, Faridabad, Shillong, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Lucknow, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Trivandrum, Karnataka, Bhubaneswar, West Delhi, Bhopal, Allahabad, Pune, Himachal Pradesh, Gorakhpur, Gujarat, Udaipur, Nagpur, Bangalore, Mumbai, Jharkhand, Thane, Assam, Patiala, Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada, Vadodara, Erode, Ernakulam, New Delhi, Rajkot, Bihar, Jaipur, Meerut, Salem, Dehradun, Agra, Ghaziabad, Amritsar, Noida, Kanpur, Jammu, Indore, Kerala, Raipur, East Delhi, Nasik, North Delhi, Hyderabad, Mangalore, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Madurai, Chennai, Cochin, Visakhapatnam, Vellore, West Bengal India, etc.

Customer Care Support offered by Hitachi Air Conditioner

The clients who want to know about Hitachi Air Conditioner, their services and working, can visit their contact-us page via the link,, where they can look for several options and get their confusions cleared. The topics/services regarding which the users can gain information, can be retrieved by reading the details given below:
  • Request a Call Back
  • Live Chat
  • Service Request
  • Installation Request
  • Connect to Management
  • Product tracker
  • Dealer Tracker
  • Customer Care Application.

Hitachi Air Conditioner registered office contact Detail

The clients of Hitachi Air Conditioner, can contact the department, via the address mentioned below:
9th Floor, Abhijeet
Mithakhali Six Roads
Ahmedabad : 380 006

Hitachi Air Conditioner Address

The address of Hitachi Air Conditioner is 9th Floor, Abhijeet, Mithakhali Six Roads, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Hitachi Air Conditioner Email Address

The email address of Hitachi Air Conditioner is

Hitachi Air Conditioner Website

The Website of Hitachi Air Conditioner is

Hitachi Air Conditioner Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hitachi Air Conditioner is 91-079-30414800 / 30414747/ 3532-4848 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hitachi Air Conditioner Service Center and Hitachi Air Conditioner customer care number is given below. The helpline of Hitachi Air Conditioner customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Hitachi Air Conditioner Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Capt B Bhattaharya CallsJul 19, 2016

Mr. Capt B Bhattaharya On Phone To Hitachi Air Conditioner Service

Refer complaint Nos 16071205022 and 16071601252 dated 12 Jul 16 and 16 Jul 16 repsectively. AC installed in NCC Officres' Mess BHU Varanasi was installed by your authorised service person. The outer unit fell off the wall and is damaged. It seems your service personnel are not trained well enough to install an AC. Despite lodging a complaint with your service centre no action has been taken till date. We look forward to a quick and positive response from you. Warm Regards

Capt(IN) B Bhattacharya
Mob 8860919910.

Customer care male
Mr. Sumanta Kumar Panda CallsMar 28, 2016

Mr. Sumanta Kumar Panda On Phone To Hitachi Air Conditioner Service
On 19-03-2016 there was an exhibition called by HITACHI Home and Life Solutions India at Golmuri Club Jamshedpur. On that day I booked 01 no RAV518IVD model Split AC through National Electronics, but unfortunately I've not got the AC yet. Every time the dealer (National Electronics) assuring me that it will be delivered on tomorrow, but that tomorrow never coming in picture. I do not understand when will I get it? Please guide me.

Customer care male
Mr. Naveen Kumar CallsAug 06, 2015

Mr. Naveen Kumar On Phone To Hitachi Air Conditioner Service
Here is Naveen Kumar Purchased Hitachi make air Conditioner Model No. RAU41811VDS the outdoor unit and the Sr. No. Is 150d77878 gives very high noise, and is purchased 60 days bach from sales India Vadodara Gujarat. The A, C Itself not Installed satisfactorily. Please attend the problem Address - A2-227 dARSHANUM Antica Tarsali - Danteshwar Ring Road. Vadodara -390009.

Customer care user complaints