Lg Refrigerator Noida Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Lg Refrigerator Noida is (0120) 2542070, 9810263602 .
LG refrigerator is product of Lg Corporation which is a South Korean Company and founded in 1947. LG is one of the largest manufacturers of electronic appliances. The company has its head office in Seoul, South Korea. After competing with so many domestic companies in the country and manage to attain fourth position. Lg Electronics in India presents new range of Smart Home and entertainment systems. The stylish home theaters have great features such as 3D Blu-ray Playback, TV Matching Design, Wall Mountable Tall Boy Speakers and Wireless Media etc.

Official Mailing Address of Lg Refrigerator India

For any kinds of questions or other types of help, the customers can write the company officials on their mailing address. The mailing address of Lg Refrigerator India is:
LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd,
A Wing ( 3rd Floor )
D-3 , District Center Saket,
New Delhi -110017

Lg Refrigerator India Facebook And Twitter Page Links

Here we are providing the links of various social media sites:
Lg Refrigerator India Facebook Page Link

Lg Refrigerator India Twitter Page Link

Lg Refrigerator Noida Address

The address of Lg Refrigerator Noida is 6, Dharam Market, Sector 27, Noida- 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Lg Refrigerator Noida Email Address

The email address of Lg Refrigerator Noida is lgservice@lgindia.com.

Lg Refrigerator Noida Website

The Website of Lg Refrigerator Noida is www.lg.com.

Lg Refrigerator Noida contact person

The contact person of Lg Refrigerator Noida is na.

Lg Refrigerator Noida Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lg Refrigerator Noida is (0120) 2542070, 9810263602 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lg Refrigerator Noida Service Center and Lg Refrigerator Noida customer care number is given below. The helpline of Lg Refrigerator Noida customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Lg Refrigerator Noida Phone Number Customer Service

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Lg Refrigerator Noida Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. chirag desai 9375366999 CallsJul 18, 2013

Mr. chirag desai 9375366999 On Phone To Lg Refrigerator Noida Service
As per your commitment given in Comp.no.130308033569 to replace my LG
Refrigerator still not receiced after five months and you have told me
Within one month
Last five montha i am facing mentally harrasment from your side
Revert me your decesion within 24 hrs else i need to go ahead and
Will put this matter in consumer forum
Awaiting your reply within 24 hours
Even the employee sitting at your service center mr anand is
Not reaponding to me properly.
Cc. Dutt electronics
Your sincerly
Chirag desai

Customer care user complaints