Morphy Richards Mumbai Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Morphy Richards Mumbai is +91-22-26832302 / 1-800-22-6722 / 1800 103 5963 (Toll Free) .
The Morphy Richards is the British multinational company which is associated to the electrical home appliances and electrical products. Their products are popular and available in affordable price. The company works over quality and provides durable products that are finest in sizes and comfortable in uses. This company was founded in 1936 by two Britons namely are Donal Morphy and Charles Richards and the name of this company is taken from their names. The company has launched plenty of electrical products like toasters, hair dryers, bread makers, kettles and sandwich toasters so far and deals in quality and delivers prominent customer service. This company has third party involvements for their active services. In addition to this, in Mumbai, the R.K. Services provides company provides products and takes care of their customers. It is one of the registered service centers of this company.

Product Portfolio of The Morphy Richards Mumbai

The Morphy Richards Mumbai deals in various commodities and products of various kinds and types. The innovative and astounding products of the Morphy Richards are leading the markets of Mumbai and has become the number one choice of brand according to various customers surveys are concerned conducted by different independent agencies. Here are some of the products offered by Morphy Richards Mumbai:
  • Cooking, Frying And Baking Products
  • Home Solutions
  • Beverages
  • Breakfast And Snacking
  • Food Preparation
  • Garment Care
  • Personal Grooming, And Many More

Dealer Locations of The Morphy Richards Mumbai

The Morphy Richards Mumbai is having various registered dealers customers can visit to the nearest dealer location to avail the services of Morphy Richards products and its associated accessories.

Contact Information of The M/S.Royal Marketing

Call at: 022-23800588

Contact Information of The M/s. Decorum Distributors

Address: C/1, Giridhar Nagar Bldg., Jivdaya Lane, ghatkopar( W), Mumbai-400086
Call at: 022 - 25024080

Contact Information of The M/s. Smart Marketing

Address: 18,MD Building, Dr. MC Jawale rd., Dadar (W), Mumbai-400028
Call at: 022-24380131

Social Media Networking links of Morphy Richards Mumbai

Customers can get the more and desired information about Morphy Richards Mumbai on below social networking pages:

Facebook link of Morphy Richards Mumbai is:

Twitter link of Morphy Richards Mumbai is:

Morphy Richards Mumbai Address

The address of Morphy Richards Mumbai is G-02, Building No. 3A, Wing-A, Sambhaji Nagar, Sahar Road, Vileparle-400059(E), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Morphy Richards Mumbai Website

The Website of Morphy Richards Mumbai is

Morphy Richards Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Morphy Richards Mumbai is +91-22-26832302 / 1-800-22-6722 / 1800 103 5963 (Toll Free) (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Morphy Richards Mumbai Service Center and Morphy Richards Mumbai customer care number is given below. The helpline of Morphy Richards Mumbai customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Morphy Richards Mumbai Phone Number Customer Service

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Morphy Richards Mumbai Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Sheetal Laddha CallsAug 24, 2015

Mr. Sheetal Laddha On Phone To Morphy Richards Mumbai Service
Morphy Richards hand blender the beater is loose. Please send someone to fix the particular problem. It is not in a guarantee period. So let me know the expenses also.

Customer care female
Ms. Ruchi Jajodia CallsJan 29, 2015

Ms. Ruchi Jajodia On Phone To Morphy Richards Mumbai Service
My Iron Box is not working I bought it in January 2014 itself. Its really urgent, please provide us the service as soon as possible.

Customer care male
Mr. ayush goyal CallsSep 28, 2013

Mr. ayush goyal On Phone To Morphy Richards Mumbai Service
i have a morphy richard hand blender the beater is loose and i complaint ABOUT it . one technition came and told he will come later with the beater gear, but it is a week to go no one has come yet .....
my complaint number is 3232963.....
and i live in Delhi ...
plz help me out ......

Customer care male
Mr. hetal CallsAug 06, 2013

Mr. hetal On Phone To Morphy Richards Mumbai Service
My complaint is the employees working in your company are not respectable and after giving repeated complains there is no one replying to the problem i am facing.. worst service centre it.. i have complaint almost 4-5 times a month still my product is not repairable

Customer care male
Mr. Kulwant CallsJul 09, 2013

Mr. Kulwant On Phone To Morphy Richards Mumbai Service
Steam Iron of morphy Richards(Dolphin) faulty having two yrs guarantee From Kulwant (9646118276)

Customer care male
Mr. Kulwant CallsJul 09, 2013

Mr. Kulwant On Phone To Morphy Richards Mumbai Service
Steam iron of morphy Richards(Dolphin) faulty having two yrs guarantee

Customer care male
Mrs. Mehta CallsApr 07, 2013

Mrs. Mehta On Phone To Morphy Richards Mumbai Service
I have morphy richards bread maker and a part seems to have come lose. I need help with understanding where this part needs to go and whether the machine can be repaired.

Customer care male
Mr. Manoj CallsApr 02, 2013

Manoj On Phone To Morphy Richards Mumbai Service
We had lodged complaints (vide Complaint Nos. 2399543 and 2399573) at call centre (Mumbai) on toll free 1800226722 about eight to ten days back and were promised action within two days, but nothing has moved till today (2-4-2013).

It is really pathetic that a company of such repute has such slack consumer policies and utterly lethargic in attending consumer complaints. Thank you. Manoj 09820125454.

Customer care user complaints