Yes Bank Gujarat Contact Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Yes Bank Gujarat Contact is +91-99743-90909 .
Yes Bank Gujarat is one of the operational region of the Yes Bank Public Limited company. It is one of the leading bank in India and has its corporate administrative office in Mumbai. Yes Bank Gujarat branches provides different types of banking and financial services to the people. Yes Bank was set up in the 2004 year with the efforts of Rana Kapoor and Ashok Kapur. The bank distributes its products and services through its large network of approximately 900 branches and 1,139 ATMs located in different destinations across the globe.

Yes Bank Products and Services

Yes Bank Gujarat branches provides a wide collection of banking services including corporate banking, investment banking, NRI banking, SMEs banking, retail banking, and many more. The IFSC code of this bank branch is YESB0000009. In addition to this, Yes Bank Gujarat branches provides different types of loan services such as business loan, vehicle loan, construction equipment loan, personal loan, home loan, gold loan, and much more. It provides different types of services like comprising cash management services, trade finance services, escrow account services, etc., under the transaction banking service. International Banking is one of the service of the Yes Bank Gujarat branches to guide and serve the international companies, banks, and foreign agencies.

According to the record of March 2014 year, Yes Bank holds the strength of approximately 11,500 employees and has total assets nearby INR 603.6 billion (US $9.8 billion). The bank received several awards such as Best Mid-Sized Bank, Strongest Bank in India, Brand Excellence Award, and many others for its banking services. Yes Bank runs its business across the Globe with the partnership of several companies like American Express, CISCO, CMC, Sify Communications, IBM, etc.

Yes Bank Gujarat Contact Address

The address of Yes Bank Gujarat Contact is GR+ MEZZ, CORNER SQUARE, RACE COURSE CIRCLE, BARODA 390007, Gujarat, India.

Yes Bank Gujarat Contact Email Address

The email address of Yes Bank Gujarat Contact is

Yes Bank Gujarat Contact Website

The Website of Yes Bank Gujarat Contact is

Yes Bank Gujarat Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Yes Bank Gujarat Contact is +91-99743-90909 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Yes Bank Gujarat Contact Service Center and Yes Bank Gujarat Contact customer care number is given below. The helpline of Yes Bank Gujarat Contact customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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