ABS Central Office Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of ABS Central Office is 1300 135 070 .
The ABS Central Office is fully know as the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, is the one of the leading statistical office in the globe and holds the mirror to Australian community and governments. The venture was emerged in the year 1905, with the main of the venture is to built our strong nation by providing a Social Statistics, Population Statistics, Environment Statistics, Labour Statistics, etc., information. And also works with the other official bodies both form Australia and overseas. The main values of the ABS Central Office is Integrity, Relevance, Service, Professionalism, Trust of Providers. The ABS Central Office is located at the Canberra, about the 150 kilometres inland from the beautiful South Coast beaches of NSW. The ABS Central office provides a better quality of the sporting activities, excellent education and health care, great restaurants and night-life. The has two different offices ABS Central Office and the ACT Regional Office, both offices are setup in ABS House, Belconnen.

Customer Service Phone Number Of The ABS Central Office

To contact with the ABS Central Office by calling at: 1300 135 070 from Australia and from overseas, you can call customer service phone number at: +61 2 9268 4909. The opening hours of the ABS Central Office from 9:00am to 5:00pm EST Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples - ABS Central Office Contacts

To Contact with National Information and Referral Service at: 1300 135 070 or to contact with the national Centre for Aboriginal: ncatsis@abs.gov.au.

ABS Indigenous Engagement Managers and Indigenous Engagement Officers

To contact with the ABS Central Office Indigenous Engagement Managers and Indigenous Engagement Officers, call below the given phone numbers:
Person NamePhone Number
Darren Williams: 03 9615 7462
Greg McCulloch: 08 8237 7309
Will Swain: 02 9268 4028
Paul Ryan: 02 9268 4565
Kate Buzzacott: 03 6222 7057
Ollie Smith: 08 9360 5119

ABS Central Office Address

The address of ABS Central Office is ABS House 45 Benjamin Way, Belconnen ACT 2617.

ABS Central Office Website

The Website of ABS Central Office is www.abs.gov.au.

ABS Central Office Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ABS Central Office is 1300 135 070 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of ABS Central Office Service Center and ABS Central Office customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of ABS Central Office customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against ABS Central Office. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that ABS Central Office will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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