Asiana Airlines Korea Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Asiana Airlines Korea is +82 53-982-2626, +82 53-421-4006, +82 43-213-0500 .
Asiana Airlines Korea is a major South Korean airline company, which was established on 17th of February 1988. The airline company operates twenty seven Cargo routes throughout Asia, Oceania, Europe and North America. In addition to this, airlines operate to ninety international and fourteen domestic passenger routes. In Asiana Airlines, more than 9,595 employees were working in December 2012.

Asiana Airlines Korea Operations

The domestic hub of Asiana Airlines is situated at Gimpo International Airport whereas their international hub is situated at Incheon International Airport. The company is official sponsor of the South Korean national football team and The Presidents Cup 2015. According to their flight services, Asiana Airlines offer five classes of services such as First Suite class, First class, Business class, economy class and Business Smartium class. Seat configurations and in-flight entertainment system vary from in five classes and its operating routes. The company is a member of star alliance and fleet Size of company is eighty five, which consists of Boeing 767, Boeing 747-400BDSF, Boeing 747-400F, Boeing 777-200ER, Boeing 767-300, Boeing 747-400, Airbus A380-800, Airbus A350-900 and many more.

Asiana Airlines Korea Head Office Address Details:

47 Osoe-Dong, Gangseo-Gu Seoul 157-713, Korea
Fax Number: +82-2-2669-5360
Email Id:
On above mentioned address head office of Asiana Airlines is situated where you can go get information about their services. You can also contact them VIA phone by using above mentioned fax number. If you are unable to contact them via phone, you can use above mentioned e-mail id.

Asiana Airlines Korea Customer Care Number:

On above mentioned customer care number of Asiana Airlines, you can call to get information about their flights and services.

Asiana Airlines Korea Official Website:
For further information, you can access above mentioned website. You can also book your tickets online by using this website.

Asiana Airlines Official Facebook Page:
You can follow Asiana Airlines on Facebook where they regularly posts about their discount offers and many more.

Asiana Airlines Official Twitter Account:
To follow Asiana Airlines on Twitter, you can use above mentioned link.

Asiana Airlines Korea Address

The address of Asiana Airlines Korea is 47 Osoe-Dong, Gangseo-Gu Seoul 157-713, Korea.

Asiana Airlines Korea Website

The Website of Asiana Airlines Korea is

Asiana Airlines Korea Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Asiana Airlines Korea is +82 53-982-2626, +82 53-421-4006, +82 43-213-0500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Asiana Airlines Korea Service Center and Asiana Airlines Korea customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Asiana Airlines Korea customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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