BCA Indonesia Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of BCA Indonesia is +62 536 500888,+62 (0)8 788 410 6944 .
BCA Indonesia stands for Bank of Central Asia which was organized in the year of 1955. The BCA Indonesia was certified and added in the list in the year of 2000. The main mission and vision of the BCA Indonesia is to support and help all the needy people. The BCA Indonesia is coded by the BBCA. The accounts summary of the BCA Indonesia was total 13,370 till the year of 2014. The number of branches of the BCA Indonesia was 1,111 working till the year of 2014.

The total number of ATM branches of the BCA Indonesia was 16,694 in the year of 2014. In the year of 2014, the total counting of the credit cards issued by the BCA Indonesia was 2,583. In 2014, the total income of the BCA Indonesia was 16,486 and the net interest was 32,027. The leading assets of the BCA Indonesia till the year of 2014, was 552,424 and the total liabilities was 474,503.

Services Of BCA Indonesia

  • BCA Indonesia renders their business holders all types of financial and other business solutions with enough benefits.
  • The BCA Indonesia not only support businessmen only but also invest in the historical events of the Indonesia.
  • BCA Indonesia also render their financial loans for the several reasonable tasks includes education, transport, homes, business, etc.
  • BCA Indonesia is also rendering their insurance policies for the health, death, auto, retirement, property and many more.
  • BCA Indonesia also render their financial help in the projects of locals and also government contractors at value added prices.

Social Media Networking Links Of BCA Indonesia

BCA Indonesia on Facebook

BCA Indonesia on Twitter

BCA Indonesia Address

The address of BCA Indonesia is Jalan KH Mas Mansyur, Kav. 35 Tower Bougenville, Jakarta Indonesia.

BCA Indonesia Email Address

The email address of BCA Indonesia is info@indonesia-investments.com.

BCA Indonesia Website

The Website of BCA Indonesia is www.bca.co.id.

BCA Indonesia contact person

The contact person of BCA Indonesia is Van der Schaar Investments B.V.

BCA Indonesia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of BCA Indonesia is +62 536 500888,+62 (0)8 788 410 6944 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BCA Indonesia Service Center and BCA Indonesia customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BCA Indonesia customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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BCA Indonesia Phone Number Customer Service

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BCA Indonesia Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Bernita CallsJan 07, 2018

Ms. Bernita On Phone To BCA Indonesia Service
Dear Bank Central Asia,

I'm Nita, customer from Apotek Kimia Farma located in Jl. Raya Hankam No. two Jatiranggon, Jatisampurna, Bekasi. This is my second compliance. Since January, 8th 2018, our EDC machine cant be used. Days before, the problems have already fixed yet today the machine error again. Would you come as soon as possible to fixed the machine? Cause whenever I call the customer service, always busy. Thanks.

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