BCBG Canada Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of BCBG Canada is 877.707.2224 .
BCBG Canada is a leading company of fashion designing for the women and established in the year of 1989 by Max Azaria. In the Year of 1991, Lubov Azaria wife of Max Azaria collaborated with the company in order to provide much support to her husband and soon in 1992, she launched her Max boutique in the city of California. Later on, in Melrose streets, Lubov Azaria started another store of the company in 1993. After Three years of Melrose boutique, she announced her first international store in Canada and also launch their first footwear store collection for the women. In the year of 1996 she was rewarded with the honor of Creative Director of the company.

BCBG Canada in 1996 published their first fashion designer walk Show and was awarded with the Atlanta Designing Award for the show. In the year of 1997, BCBG Canada publish their own website www.bcbg.com. BCBG Canada designs the high quality of clothes at value added prices Due to which Max Azaria was recommended as a member of the Council Of Fashion Designers in America during the year of 1998 and also take over the authority of the Herve Leger of French. In 2000, the company was rewarded for the best achievement in the Otis College of Art and Designers.
BCBG Canada has over than 568 store collections all around the world out of which more than 170 are located in USA.

Products Of BCBG Canada

1. BCBG Canada provides clothes for the women like, tops, sweaters, jackets, skirts, short pants, blouses, etc.
2. BCBG Canada offers footwear at value added prices like, flat sandals, heeled sandals, sports shoes, embroidered sandals, peep toe sandals, wedged sandals, slippers, etc.
3. BCBG Canada also provide hand bags, clutches, hanging bags, wrist bags, embroidered bags, plain leather bags and other accessories like jewellery, skin products, hair products, etc.

Social Media networking website links of BCBG Canada

BCBG Canada on Facebook

BCBG Canada on LinkedIn

BCBG Canada Address

The address of BCBG Canada is West Edmonton Mall, 8882 170 St NW Edmonton, AB, Canada.

BCBG Canada Email Address

The email address of BCBG Canada is guestservices@us.bcbg.com..

BCBG Canada Website

The Website of BCBG Canada is www.bcbg.com.

BCBG Canada contact person

The contact person of BCBG Canada is Max Azaria.

BCBG Canada Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of BCBG Canada is 877.707.2224 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BCBG Canada Service Center and BCBG Canada customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BCBG Canada customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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