Bank of Cyprus Contact Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Bank of Cyprus Contact is +357 22 126055, +357 22 122239 .
Bank of Cyprus a public traded Limited company of the Cyprus which comes under the financial service industry. It was founded in the year 1899. The headquarters of the bank is situated in Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus.

The main products served by the bank are brokerage, retail, asset management, investment and business banking, insurance and factoring. The subsidiary of the bank is Uniastrum Bank. As of March 2013, Bank of Cyprus was regarded as the biggest bank of the country. The bank has opened its 393 branches in different countries including its 199 offices in Russia, four in United Kingdom, one on Channel Island and rest all the branches in Cyprus. In terms of market capitalization of the Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE), the bank is regarded as the largest company in Cyprus.

In 2005, Bank of Cyprus reached its 100 branches in Greece. The Bank of Cyprus was included in the ten largest companies of Cyprus by the Dow Jones Cyprus Titans 10 Index, since October 8, 2007. The shares of the bank are listed on two stock exchanges that is the Cyprus Stock Exchange and the Athens Stock Exchange. In the year 2011, the bank sold its Australian branch, Bank of Cyprus Australia to Bendigo and Adelaide Bank and its name was changed as The Delphi Bank.

For any other query or detailed information regarding the Bank of Cyprus, visit the official website of the bank that is

Bank of Cyprus Contact Address

The address of Bank of Cyprus Contact is P.O. Box 24884 1398 Nicosia, Cyprus, United Kingdom.

Bank of Cyprus Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bank of Cyprus Contact is +357 22 126055, +357 22 122239 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bank of Cyprus Contact Service Center and Bank of Cyprus Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Bank of Cyprus Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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