Bath Ruh A and E Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Bath Ruh A and E is +44 (01225) 428331, 01225 824391, 01225 824007 .
The Royal United Hospital (RUH) is a provider of medical services which was established in 1826 in the United Kingdom. It covers 52 acres in the hospital and has around 566 licensed beds for the patients. The hospital offers various services like Accident & Emergency, Clinical Pharmacology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and many others. It has total 17 theaters in the hospital for the patients such as eight main theaters, one emergency theater, one oral surgery theater, four day surgeries theaters, three gynecology/urology theaters and one eye theater. It provides secure environment for maintaining the medical records of the patients.

Assistance And Specialization Of Bath Ruh A and E

  • Bath Ruh A and E provides the well immense care and emergency medical services.
  • Bath Ruh A and E provides the well expenditure and qualified experienced staff members.
  • Bath Ruh A and E provides Doctor's on call, mentle health disorders and much more with affordable rates.
  • Bath Ruh A and E provides well merged parking facility and market store.
  • Bath Ruh A and E provides well embarrassing patient care.
  • Bath Ruh A and Ev provides various assistance in naesthetics, Cardiology, Clinical Haematology, Diabetes & Endocrinology, ENTand many more.

Appointment And General line Numbers Of Bath Ruh A and E

01225 821821, 07824 334450, 01225 824391

Toll Free Emergency Number Of Bath Ruh A and E


Social Media Networking Links Of Bath Ruh A and E

Official Facebook Account Link of Bath Ruh A and E

Bath Ruh A and E Address

The address of Bath Ruh A and E is Combe Park Bath BA1 3NG, United Kingdom.

Bath Ruh A and E Email Address

The email address of Bath Ruh A and E is

Bath Ruh A and E Website

The Website of Bath Ruh A and E is

Bath Ruh A and E Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bath Ruh A and E is +44 (01225) 428331, 01225 824391, 01225 824007 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bath Ruh A and E Service Center and Bath Ruh A and E customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Bath Ruh A and E customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Bath Ruh A and E. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Bath Ruh A and E will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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