Blackberry Waterloo Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Blackberry Waterloo is +1-(519)-888-7465 .
Blackberry Limited is a public company which is engaged in designing, manufacturing and distributing of Telecom equipment concerning smartphones, Tablets, Blackberry Software, BlackBerry Enterprise Server, BlackBerry Internet Service, QNX, Ripple Emulator, Blackberry Playbook and BlackBerry 10. The company was established by Mike Lazaridis in the year 1984 under the name of Research In Motion Limited. In July 2013, it was renamed to BlackBerry Limited. Corporate office of the Blackberry is located in Waterloo, Canada. As of September 2013, the company has a strength of approximately 7260 employees globally. The company operates in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Among of them are Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Houston, Indonesia, Thailand, London, Mexico, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Newark, Philadelphia, Toronto and United Arab Emirates. In the year 2013, the company got Revenue of US $ 11.073 billion. In addition to this, the company also provides BlackBerry Messenger Social Apps.

Corporate Office of Blackberry Waterloo

For the corporate details of the Blackberry Waterloo, customers can dial the given numbers which includes as:
Tel: 1-877-255-2377 (US/CA)
Tel: 01753 558410 (UK)

Investor Relations of Blackberry Waterloo

For the investor related queries of the Blackberry Waterloo, customers can dial the given numbers which includes as:
Investor Relations team: (519) 888-7465 / ext. 75950

Media contact of Blackberry Waterloo

For the communication services of Blackberry Waterloo, press holders can dial the given number as:
BlackBerry Media Relations: (519) 888-7465 x77273

Career Contacts of Blackberry Waterloo

In order to get a chance to work within the team management of the Blackberry Waterloo, interested persons should have education and experience of the recommended field where they wants to apply. Blackberry Waterloo offers a negotiable salary to the current staff along with other redeeming bonuses from the committee. The contact details of Blackberry Waterloo includes as:
For North America:
For Asia Pacific:
For Europe, Middle East, Africa:

Regional Contacts of Blackberry Waterloo

For the regional departments of the Blackberry Waterloo, feel free to dial the given numbers as:

Regional locationsPhone numbers
Spain00 800 255 23771

Blackberry Waterloo Address

The address of Blackberry Waterloo is 451 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3X2, Canada.

Blackberry Waterloo Website

The Website of Blackberry Waterloo is

Blackberry Waterloo Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Blackberry Waterloo is +1-(519)-888-7465 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Blackberry Waterloo Service Center and Blackberry Waterloo customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Blackberry Waterloo customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Blackberry Waterloo. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Blackberry Waterloo will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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