College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala is 01822265170, 01822265171 .

College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala-CEM was established in 2002. The college of Engineering and Management has been set up by the Sarv Hitkari Educational Society, New Delhi. This society is dedicated for a better cause of imparting technical education in the rural area in the State of Punjab in particular. The college is all set to have all round progress. For that purpose, it has erected the necessary infrastructure and procured the essential instructional facilities With the friendly academic and natural environment it is a place for better learning. College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala-CEM was started for uplifting the status of technical education in the remote area of Dist. Kapurthala. In order to achieve these goals, modern teaching aids are used in the college. Special emphasis is laid on theoretical as well as practical knowledge for preparing the students to face the new challenges in the field of Engineering.

All Departments of the institute are specialized in inter-disciplinary units thus trying its very best to induce the moral, social and professional behavior amongst the students. College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala-CEM provides a scale that is personal engraining a sense of shared, collaborative learning and faculty totally committed to teaching and working with students.

These values embark the graduate programs as the faculty seeks to provide the finest technical experience to their students with the facilties which are engaged in the work shaping environment related to their respective fields.

College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala-CEM library provides enormous wealth of Information in the form of rarely reference books powerful enough to motivate faculty interests & research and development. These rare books span the information about rarely touched feels of information technology and Management. Faculty finds them of an exceptional use when teaching a particular respect of Information Technology and Management with the research touch.

The Library has also stocks a collection of educational Cd-Roms and old copies of important periodicals. A new air conditioned library for Management Programmes is under construction. Apart from books, students have access to the international journals and research papers.

The following infrastructural facilities are available in College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala-CEM. 1) Wi-fi Campus 2) 45 Lecture rooms, well furnished, 3) 13 Tutorial rooms, well furnished 4) Seminar Hall, well furnished with OHP,TV,LCD & PA system 5) Conference Room, well furnished with LCD 6) 2 Cafeteria 7) 2 Hostels for boys & 02 Hostels for Girls are available separately within Campus 8) A 62 kVA Genset is available to meet eventual electricity failures 9) Providing free Basic Medical Treatment and Basic Medicine.

College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala-CEM offers undergraduate programme such as Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science, Electronics and Communication, Information Technology, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. It also offers three years Diploma courses in Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and Communication, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.

The Placement cell of College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala-CEM is responsible for arranging the Institutional & Industrial practical training of students after 2nd and 4th semesters respectively. The Final semester Industrial Training is arranged either by the Training and Placement cell or the students themselves in leading industries of the country. The industrial training is monitored continuously by a committee constituted for this purpose. The process of arranging Campus Interviews have been done progressively.

The students were sent for industrial summer training in the following industries / organizations: BSNL, DOORDARSHAN, DRDO DEHRADOON, LEADER VALVES, GLIDE, NBC COMPUTER, CONNECT, C-DAC, AMERICAN TV CENTER, PUNCOM MOHALI, UNGC URAN, BBMB TALWARA, BEMT CHAMBA.

College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala-CEM has planned to have strong linkages between the industries. Steps are being taken to have strong linkages with the Industries & for that purpose a Collage - Industry - Interaction Cell is being established.

College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala Address

The address of College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala is 5th KM stone , Gowindwal Sahib Road, Kapurthala, Punjab.

College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala Email Address

The email address of College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala is

College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala Website

The Website of College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala is

College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala is 01822265170, 01822265171 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala Service Center and College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of College of Engineering and Management Kapurthala customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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