Ms. Ruth On Phone To Health Master Blender Service
Health master elite, to whom it may concern. I purchased the elite five years ago mercifully with extended warranty insurance. About use ten, It began to smell so badly, I stopped using it and finally put away. I recently found the paper work from my original order, and determined to give it one more try. On speecd one for less than one minute it slowed and stopped never to turn on again, . And it was smoking terrible from the base. I thought my kitchen counters would be ruined. Mercifully, they were not. Seriously, a product this expensive should have a more extensive life thatn this. How do I return this for a refund?
My oster regular blender worked better at finishing the job. Infact, why I thought a health master may improve my time line via using the blender is still a mystery and has become a misery in my kitchen.
Ms. Le-nette Leveston On Phone To Health Master Blender Service
My blender has stopped working. I need to know how to send it to you for repair. I was told that I have a lifetime warranty. I works greats for me and now I'm lost. Please tell me what to do. Tristar Model JLA-8, SERIAL NUMBER CA0137735 DATE CODE 2016.
Ms. Marilyn Booth On Phone To Health Master Blender Service
The bearings are gone on the container and do not know where I can get a replacement container.
Ms. Josie Salvacion On Phone To Health Master Blender Service
Hi:I bought an elite blender by montel. At first it was working. Then I did not use it for few months, I put it away. Now it's not working anymore. U can reach me at 7789800313.
Ms. Josie Salvacion On Phone To Health Master Blender Service
Hi:I bought elite healthy living blender at first it was working well. I put it away for how many months and now it's not working anymore.
HI I have a Health Master Blender that I have been using for a year and the jug blades are not working I want to see if I can get a new one Thank you.