Hyundai Regina Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Hyundai Regina is +1-888-831-9353 / 1 (877) 895-6958 .
The Hyundai Motor Company is commonly known by the name of Hyundai, a multinational South Korean based company that was codified in 1947 under the name of “Hyundai Engineering and Construction Company” with its head office is located in Seoul, South Korea. It was re-introduced with its current name on 29 December, 1967. The company is engaged in the manufacturing, designing and development of motor vehicles which includes Cars, Engines, Commercial vehicles and many others. It was started by the efforts of Chung Ju-Yung. The Hyundai regulates many of its subsidiaries like Hyundai Motor India, Hyundai motor of North America, Hyundai of Canada, Hyundai China, Hyundai do Brasil etc by providing employment to approximately 57,105 people as per the records of 2011. It is completely owned by Hyundai Motor Group. As per records of 2012, the company had a total Revenue of 7.12 million.

Customer Service Hours At Hyundai Regina

Customers who are interested to get aware regarding the services of Hyundai Regina, can visit at Hyundai Regina during the given hours:
Monday: 7:30AM - 05:30PM
Tuesday: 07:30AM - 05:30PM
Wednesday: 07:30AM - 05:30PM
Thursday: 07:30AM - 09:00PM
Friday: 07:30AM - 05:30PM
Saturday: 09:00AM - 04:00PM
Sunday: Closed

Contact Numbers Of Hyundai Regina

Customers can use the given contacts in order to get assistance by phone. The officials is easily available to assist their customers to remove their all difficulties. The contacts are given below:
  • Local: (306) 525-8848
  • Sales: 1 (877) 883-6206
  • Service: 1 (877) 895-6958
  • Parts: 1 (877) 884-0211

Hyundai Regina Address

The address of Hyundai Regina is 444 South Broad Street, Regina, Saskatchewan S4R 1X3, Canada.

Hyundai Regina Website

The Website of Hyundai Regina is

Hyundai Regina Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hyundai Regina is +1-888-831-9353 / 1 (877) 895-6958 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hyundai Regina Service Center and Hyundai Regina customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Hyundai Regina customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Hyundai Regina. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Hyundai Regina will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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