Maryland Department of Revenue Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Maryland Department of Revenue is +1-800-638-2937 / 410-260-7980 / 410-767-1579 .
The Maryland Department of Revenue is a government department which is responsible for collecting taxes from the citizens. Maryland Department of Revenue also provides various services to the Citizens after collecting taxes from them. Maryland Department of Revenue collects various types of taxes such as Sales Tax, Utilities Gross Receipts Tax, Insurance Premiums Tax, Marine Insurance Premiums Tax and others. Maryland Department of Revenue manages both the tasks collecting revenue and distributing revenue.

Maryland Department of Revenue Phone Numbers

Detailed List of Contacts Of Maryland Department of Revenue are given below in the table:
TopicPhone NumberToll-Free Number
Admissions and Amusement Tax410-260-79801-800-638-2937
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax410-260-79801-800-638-2937
Business Licenses410-260-62401-866-239-9359
Income Tax Refund Information410-260-77011-800-218-8160
Unclaimed Property410-767-17001-800-782-7383
Bulk Sales (on sale of business)410-767-15791-800-492-1751

Maryland Department of Revenue Official Addresses And Contacts

OfficeAddressContact Number
City Government Office301 W Preston St, Baltimore, MD 21201, United States+1 410-260-7980
City Tax Office80 Calvert St, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States+1 410-260-6345
Tax Department190 Admiral Cochrane Dr, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States+1 301-695-7615
City Tax Office Landover8181 Professional Pl # 101, Landover, MD 20785, United States+1 301-459-9195
State Government Office820 N French St #2, Wilmington, DE 19801, United States+1 302-577-8200
Local Government Office540 S Dupont Hwy # 2, Dover, DE 19901, United States+1 302-744-1085
City Tax Office4th Walnut St Unp, Harrisburg, PA 17121, United States+1 717-783-3664

Social Media Profile Of Maryland Department of Revenue

Facebook Link Of Maryland Department of Revenue

Twitter Link Of Maryland Department of Revenue

Maryland Department of Revenue Address

The address of Maryland Department of Revenue is 80 Calvert Street 21404 Annapolis, MD, United States.

Maryland Department of Revenue Email Address

The email address of Maryland Department of Revenue is

Maryland Department of Revenue Website

The Website of Maryland Department of Revenue is

Maryland Department of Revenue contact person

The contact person of Maryland Department of Revenue is na.

Maryland Department of Revenue Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maryland Department of Revenue is +1-800-638-2937 / 410-260-7980 / 410-767-1579 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maryland Department of Revenue Service Center and Maryland Department of Revenue customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Maryland Department of Revenue customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Maryland Department of Revenue Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Desmond Prass CallsAug 28, 2018

Mr. Desmond Prass On Phone To Maryland Department of Revenue Service
I am still waiting for my 2016 refund of $1933 from the State of Maryland. I have had no official communication from the department whatsoever. My returns were e-filed. It had been more than one year now. I have been searching for a taxpayer advocate or the equivalent without success. Help me please. My phone number is 646-256-6587.

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