Portsmouth Tavern Kingston Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Portsmouth Tavern Kingston is +1(613)-531-1111 / +1(613)-541-0877 .
Portsmouth Tavern is the restaurant and bar that is situated in Kingston, Ontario, Canada and mainly known for offering wide collection of beer drinks. The menu of the restaurant includes several dishes and drink items such as fries, chicken, fried chicken, rotisserie chicken, salads, sandwiches, burgers, fish items, eggs items and much more. Portsmouth Tavern was introduced in the year 1863. The opening hours of the Portsmouth Tavern Kingston are Monday to Sunday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm and served lunch, dinner and munchies each day. For details about menu of the Portsmouth Tavern, the customer can visit restaurant's official website theportsmouthtavern.ca.

Food Menu Of Portsmouth Tavern Kingston

Portsmouth Tavern Kingston is a restaurant cum bar that offers various types of meals to customers. The restaurant is known for the drinks it serve to customers, the restaurant offers various classical and modern beers to customers. Portsmouth Tavern Kingston menu consists of different food items like, Starters, Salads, Burgers, Sandwiches, Appetizers, Desserts, and others. The gift cards are also provided for the customers that suite with different occasions and provide benefit to them. Portsmouth Tavern Kingston offers delicious meals that contains recipes from different regions. The restaurant also offers various types of takeaway meals to customers. Beside this the restaurant offers space to organize many events that consists of parties, business meetings and other events. Portsmouth Tavern Kingston provide special gift cards to customers. In addition to this the restaurant allows customers to order food online, customers are allowed to browse any menu online and select desired food item.

Connect To Portsmouth Tavern Kingston

To get in touch with Portsmouth Tavern Kingston do use below given contact channels:
Customer Contact: +1 613-541-0877
Alternative Contact: +1(613)-531-1111

Portsmouth Tavern Kingston Address

The address of Portsmouth Tavern Kingston is 96 Yonge Street, Kingston, Ontario K7M 1K4, Canada.

Portsmouth Tavern Kingston Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Portsmouth Tavern Kingston is +1(613)-531-1111 / +1(613)-541-0877 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Portsmouth Tavern Kingston Service Center and Portsmouth Tavern Kingston customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Portsmouth Tavern Kingston customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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