SCE and G Columbia SC Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of SCE and G Columbia SC is 1-800-251-7234 .
SCE and G is a Sub-Company that works under the Company Scana, that is one of the leading Companies that offers Natural gas services to local as well as business users. Sce and G provide electricity and Natural gas services to the Citizens of Columbia, South Carolina. The Gas that the Company provides is clear and crystal. The team of the Company provides full support to their Customers in case of any repair or maintenance of their products. The Customer can pay online for any of the service provided by the Company.

Services provided by SCE and G Columbia SC

The Companies main motive is Customers Satisfaction. The teams works hard to fulfill all the needs of their customers. The Company provide gas to home users and business users. Some of their well know services are listed below:

1. Home users: The company provide number of tools to home users that helps them to use the service in a better way. The customer can change their service at any point of time. The natural Gas are provided to home users at affordable prices to Minimize the cost of energy.

2. Business users: The Customer can also get the services from the Company for their Business platforms. The Company promises about the quality of the gas to their customers. The Company provides facilities to business users to set up Electricity and natural gas for their working places.

SCE and G Procedure to start a Service

The Customer has to first check the rate plans offered by the Company. The customer after selecting the specific plan can call the Customer care department at the number 803-933-8045 to activate their service. After activating the service the customer can make their payments by any of the card credit/debit. The customer can pay on Monthly basis and can also pay for a year.

Social Networking Sites of SCE and G

Twitter link of SCE and G

Facebook link of SCE and G

You tube link of SCE and G

SCE and G Columbia SC Address

The address of SCE and G Columbia SC is Cayce, Columbia, South Carolina.

SCE and G Columbia SC Email Address

The email address of SCE and G Columbia SC is

SCE and G Columbia SC Website

The Website of SCE and G Columbia SC is

SCE and G Columbia SC contact person

The contact person of SCE and G Columbia SC is Kevin B. Marsh.

SCE and G Columbia SC Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of SCE and G Columbia SC is 1-800-251-7234 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of SCE and G Columbia SC Service Center and SCE and G Columbia SC customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of SCE and G Columbia SC customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against SCE and G Columbia SC. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that SCE and G Columbia SC will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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