The Fancy Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of The Fancy is +1-(917) 746 - 9895 .
The Fancy is an online shopping site which provides a large collection of clothing, household, electronics and other accessories including t- shirts, mobile workstation, briefcases, jackets, towels, cameras, coats, jewelry. On the other hand, it also offers gift cards, funny Box and lots more. Fancy is basically a social photograph sharing online webstore and versatile application made by Joseph Einhorn and it is e-business website that permits clients to take part in socially situated shopping through picture bolsters and sharing. Clients can buy items that they see specifically from the site, which goes about as a middle person between the customer and the retailer. The Fancy includes various famous brands namely Bellroy, CassaDecor, DailyCandy, Frappante, Gizmodo and more. Fancy also provides its products through Internet which is a convenient way for shopping. Fast delivery is the main facility of the online shopping. The Fancy main office is located in New York, United States. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Fancy Company E-commerce Service Attributes

The Fancy is the globally influential and pioneered online store, Internet, Ecommerce, Consumer Goods selling Company that was originated by Joseph Einhorn with the core motive to offer high quality, stylish, fashionable and cutting edge consumer products to the customers at the most cheapest prices. The Fancy Company uses modern and innovative strategies to offers excelent and hazel-free online shopping services to the customers.
  • Customer can take extensive advantages from this e-commerce website and can make shopping of different consume goods mostly containing Men's, Women's, Kids, Pets, Home, Gadgets, Art, Food, Media, Architecture, Sports, Travel destinations, DIY, Workspace, Cars, T-shirts and much more designed and excellent required products.
  • The Fancy Company is known for its global online shopping and customers who are interested to make online shopping on this web portal need to create a login account that provides them access to the main gateway of the Company where they can make bundles of online shopping of immense quantity of products at most affordable costs.
  • In addition to this, The Fancy Company also offers home delivery and shipment services for the customers benefits.

The Fancy Address

The address of The Fancy is Spring Street, New York, New York, 10012, United States.

The Fancy Email Address

The email address of The Fancy is

The Fancy Website

The Website of The Fancy is

The Fancy contact person

The contact person of The Fancy is Na.

The Fancy Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of The Fancy is +1-(917) 746 - 9895 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of The Fancy Service Center and The Fancy customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of The Fancy customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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The Fancy Phone Number Customer Service

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The Fancy Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Sravani CallsJan 23, 2018

Ms. Sravani On Phone To The Fancy Service
My product is not submitted till now. My order number 41652.

Customer care female
Ms. Elena CallsMar 18, 2016

Ms. Elena On Phone To The Fancy Service
A voice message saying to send an e-mail to their customer service and they'll get back to you. But they never do. Stay away, folks.

Customer care female
Ms. Gabriela Koleva CallsDec 24, 2015

Ms. Gabriela Koleva On Phone To The Fancy Service
Hi, I just made the wrong purchase and would really like to cancel it. Was wondering how can you do that? Thanks.

Customer care female
Ms. Elena Says Mar 18, 2016

Happened to me, too. Customer service of fancy is the worst, they just go dead silent about reibursement even if i provided a return track number with the package status stated as "delivered". They are totally unreliable and should not be trusted.

Customer care user complaints