US Coast Guard Hawaii Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of US Coast Guard Hawaii is +1-800-818-8724 / (808) 535-3230 / (808) 535-3239 .
The United States Coast Guard is an organization within the Department of Homeland Security that safeguards the nation's maritime interests and environment in the ports, seas around the globe. US Coast Guard Hawaii defend the economy and borders that maintains the safe environment and protects the borders from any type of damage and threats. The civil and military forces of the United States Coast Guard are always ready towards maritime, safety, security and stewardship. The US Coast Guard Hawaii is responsible for geographical assets that the forces require to provide a safe environment towards seas and ports. It has its complete presence over local, national and international regions. The United States Coast Guard has been in service since 1790.

Some Important Contact Details of US Coast Guard Hawaii

US Coast Guard Hawaii, as one of the federal department in United States, has provided some valuable contact details, so that the people living in the regions of United States can get all essential information about the US Coast Guard Hawaii. Besides this, people can get information about services, events, news and much more other things of the US Coast Guard Hawaii. Below are mentioned all the contact details of US Coast Guard Hawaii.

Corporate Contact Number of US Coast Guard Hawaii
Phone: (808) 535-3230

Fax Number of US Coast Guard Hawaii
Fax: (808) 535-3239

Duty Pager Number of US Coast Guard Hawaii
Phone: (808) 535-3230

Emergency Contact Number of US Coast Guard Hawaii
Phone: (808) 535-3333 (Joint Rescue Coordination Center 24-hr. line)

Contact Number of District Commander
Phone: 808.535.3201

Contact Number of Chief of Staff
Phone: 808.535.3202

Contact Number of Secretary
Phone: 808.535.3203

Contact Number of Admin Assistant (dcs)
Phone: 808.535.3205

Contact Number of Driver - Duty
Phone: 808.535.3205

Contact Number of Special Command Aide
Phone: 808.971.2888

US Coast Guard Hawaii Address

The address of US Coast Guard Hawaii is 300 Ala Moana Blvd, Room 9-204, Honolulu, Hawaii 96850-4982, United States.

US Coast Guard Hawaii Email Address

The email address of US Coast Guard Hawaii is

US Coast Guard Hawaii Website

The Website of US Coast Guard Hawaii is

US Coast Guard Hawaii Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of US Coast Guard Hawaii is +1-800-818-8724 / (808) 535-3230 / (808) 535-3239 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of US Coast Guard Hawaii Service Center and US Coast Guard Hawaii customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of US Coast Guard Hawaii customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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