Mr. Rakesh Singh Rawat On Phone To VIA Service
Dear sir. 11feb 2018 booking in flight guwahati to Del but not recved ?1000 for your message up to?1000 off on domestic flights booking use promo code
Pl info me. Thanks and regards.
Ms. Michelle On Phone To VIA Service
As of 01/01/2018 I stopped getting email with coupons. I was wondering why? I have shopped there a few times since then, but never receive offers anymore. Can I be added to the email list again from this note?
Mr. Don Diminie On Phone To VIA Service
HELP mY PHONE will not work. I am not on Twitter and do not use Facebook
I cannot call Support as our onone is
USELESS. I need a Tech here to check my modem. I need a new one likely. I am in Cobourg ON. Long time customer
Sick of not able to obtain help
If I can get to a phone somewhere, like a
neighbour, I have to wait for OVER A HALF hour
before I get a tech on the phone. Very Poor. I am thinking of changing Provider.
Mr. Tania Lambert On Phone To VIA Service
Hi I searched fir a long time for songlasses as I have retina pigmatosa and found the perfect glasses at boots a year and half ago. Today I found a split in the frame and was wondering if you had a spare frame my frame number is p8430d 581 la I hope you can help as the lenses cost a lot of money of which I don’t have at the moment many thanks.
Mr. Vimal Pancholi On Phone To VIA Service
You have launch a app and not giving customer care number What is this.
Mr. Henry William Farias On Phone To VIA Service
Good morning, I sent an express envelop last week (August 18st) from Barceona-Spain to LA, but it's still in the ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) office since 20/08/2015. Here in Spain, the customer service told me it's normally three or four days to delivery. Can you tell me please if all is Ok? The tracking number is LX001478401ESThanks.