Voltas AC Service Center Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Voltas AC Service Center is +91 (22) 6665 6666 / +91 (22) 6665 6288 .
Voltas AC Service Center is a service operated by the leading corporation of TATA Group Of Inc operates different cooling systems and was developed by the Jamsetji Tata in the year of 1868. In the year of 1954, TATA Group Of Inc, first AC Conditioner was launched within the marketing areas of USA. The other office locations of the Voltas AC Service Center which operates their services in the countries of USA, UK, Hungary, Brazil, Uruguay and China, besides India. The following are the subsidiaries of Tata Group Inc. Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Tea, Indian Hotels , Tata Communications, etc.

Contact Details Of Voltas AC Service Center

The clients can call at the mentioned numbers for the queries and requests which includes as:
Toll Free Numbers: 1800 266 0100 / 1800 233 1202
Email: vserve@voltas.com
Tel: +91 (22) 6665 6666 / +91 (22) 6665 6288
Toll Free Support: 1800 425 4555
Email: ccd@voltas.com

Media Lines:
Asawari Sathaye
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Voltas Limited
Tel: +91 22 66656246

Prasanna Kotian
Senior Account Director
Tel: +91 4353 0236

Locations Of Voltas AC Service Center

The users can also get the details of the other located offices of the Voltas AC Service Center, feel free to call at the rendered numbers as::
LocationsToll Free Numbers
Bhubaneshwar(0674-2544918 / 919
Central Mumbai(022-66656353)
South Mumbai(022-66656725)
South Gujrat ( Baroda )000-411-002-6916
Kolkata(033-66266207 / 227)

Products By Voltas AC Service Center

The following products are rendered by the Voltas AC Service Center includes as:
2.0T Voltas WAC 241 DY, 1.0T Voltas WAC 122 LY, 0.75T Voltas WAC 102 PY, 1.5T Voltas WAC 182 DY, 1.5T Voltas WAC 182 CY, 1.5T Voltas WAC 182 EY, 1.5T Voltas WAC 182 MY, 1.5T Voltas WAC 182 DY.

Voltas AC Service Center Address

The address of Voltas AC Service Center is Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road Chinchpokli Mumbai 400 033.

Voltas AC Service Center Website

The Website of Voltas AC Service Center is www.voltas.com.

Voltas AC Service Center Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Voltas AC Service Center is +91 (22) 6665 6666 / +91 (22) 6665 6288 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Voltas AC Service Center Service Center and Voltas AC Service Center customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Voltas AC Service Center customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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