Walmart Heartland Mississauga Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Walmart Heartland Mississauga is +1 905-817-9688 .
Wal-Mart Stores, Incorporation doing business under the name of “Walmart” is an international retail chain of Warehouse and departmental stores based in the United States. It was introduced by Sam Walton in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas in the United States after purchasing a division of the Ben Franklin Stores. The company was incorporated on October 31, 1969 and offers a mixture of grocery and non grocery items including footwear, apparels, cameras, camcorders, computers, pharmacy, jewelry, electronics, beauty, health and fitness products. The company operates 10,900 stores with 69 different names in 27 countries around the Globe including Africa, Brazil, Canada, Chile, United States, China, India, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom, Central America, Argentina etc. It also offers on-line shopping and bill payment facility through various e-commerce websites to facilitate its customers. Wal-Mart Stores, Incorporation has four subsidiaries under the title of Asda, Sam's Club, Seiyu Group and Walmex. It is a family owned business and the functioning of the company is managed by the Walton family. The company has employed more than 2.2 million employees and has been rated as second largest public corporation around the world. The staff at the Wal-Mart Stores is engaged in providing quality services and achieve customer satisfaction. The stores of the Wal-Mart Stores, Incorporation are stocked with a variety of affordable and low priced products to cater to the various needs of millions of people worldwide. The company has been cataloged in “Fortune Global 500” list and is one of the leading retailers around the world. Wal-Mart Stores, Incorporation is headquartered in Bentonville in the state of Arkansas in the United States.

Walmart Heartland Mississauga Address

The address of Walmart Heartland Mississauga is 800, Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON L5V 2N6, Ontario, Canada.

Walmart Heartland Mississauga Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Walmart Heartland Mississauga is +1 905-817-9688 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Walmart Heartland Mississauga Service Center and Walmart Heartland Mississauga customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Walmart Heartland Mississauga customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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