Walmart Markham and Steeles Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Walmart Markham and Steeles is +1 416-298-1210 / 1-800-328-0402 .
Wal-Mart Stores Incorporation is a worldwide retail stores chain based in United States that has been operating since 1962, and it was formed by the efforts of Sam Walton. The company offers a whole variety of fabulous quality and world-class products related to various segments such as household appliances, electronics, health and beauty, grocery, sportswear, video games and toys etc. The company operates approximately 11,000 stores with various popular names in more than 27 countries across the world. The company performs all operations from the corporate office situated in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States, and it is completely owned and operated by the Walton family. The company is spread in all over the different locations of the world with help of various wholly owned companies like Asda, Walmex, Sam's Club and more. In 2013, Wal-Mart has become the second biggest public corporation in the Fortune Global 500 across the world.

Store Address of Walmart Markham and Steeles

In order to visit the store, the customers can use below mentioned address or can call at the given below numbers as:
5995 Steeles Avenue
Call: 416-298-1210
Phone: 1-800-328-0402

Mailing Address of Walmart Markham and Steeles

The customers can send their mails on the below mentioned address and can directly call at the given number including as:
Wal-Mart Canada Corp.
1940 Argentia Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 1P9
Customer Service: 1 (800) 328-0402

Frequent Contact Numbers of Walmart Markham and Steeles

The other contact numbers of Walmart Markham and Steeles through which customers can get connected with the store includes as:
Walmart Gift Cards: 1-888-537-5503
Walmart Product Protection Plan: 1-855-308-7295
Walmart Financial Services Canada : 1-888-331-6133
Walmart Photo Centre: 1-855-620-7592

Career Link Page of Walmart Markham and Steeles

The interested persons who wants to work within the Walmart Markham and Steeles, can apply on the given career link of the Walmart Markham and Steeles for several posts including as:

Social Media Networking Website Links of Walmart Markham and Steeles

Walmart Markham and Steeles on Facebook Link page

Walmart Markham and Steeles on Twitter Link Page

Walmart Markham and Steeles Address

The address of Walmart Markham and Steeles is 5995 Steeles Avenue East, Markham Road & Steeles Ave E, Scarborough, Ontario M1V 5P6, Canada.

Walmart Markham and Steeles Website

The Website of Walmart Markham and Steeles is

Walmart Markham and Steeles Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Walmart Markham and Steeles is +1 416-298-1210 / 1-800-328-0402 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Walmart Markham and Steeles Service Center and Walmart Markham and Steeles customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Walmart Markham and Steeles customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Walmart Markham and Steeles Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

No complaints and reviews so far for Walmart Markham and Steeles.To add review or complaint against Walmart Markham and Steeles Click Here.
We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Walmart Markham and Steeles. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Walmart Markham and Steeles will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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