Plaxo Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Plaxo is +1-(408) 900-8400 .
The Plaxo Incorporation is a web-enabled address book that hosts address book accounts and works like a social networking medium to connect people. This is a privately incorporated commercial firm that was established in 2002 by Sean Parker, Minh Nguyen, Cameron Ring and Todd Masonis. According to company records, it has been acquired by Comcast Corporation in 2008. The organization drives its business activities from the headquarters, which is situated in Sunnyvale province of California. This company operates in more than 83 countries throughout the globe.

Plaxo Operations and Services

Plaxo empowers subscribers to connect with their friends, families, business associates and gives them access to find contacts, share opinions, pictures and videos. In addition, Plaxo also empowers subscribers to integrate their respective accounts with other medias like MSN, Yahoo, Outlook, Facebook, Linkedin and many more. It facilitates users to schedule their events, backup and recovery of contacts, send eCards and to save up to fifty million address books with 3.7 billion contacts. Plaxo can be compatible with multiple platforms such as Mac, social networks, web mail services, Android and Iphone devices and so on. The company product portfolio is a suite of products including Plaxo Platinum Sync, Plaxo Premium eCards, Plaxo Preferred, Plaxo Pro and Plaxo Basic. It includes contacts in a unified, safe and secure manner where user can find or use cleaned and bug free entries in the books. Customer Service Information:

The customer service phone number of Plaxo Incorporation is: +1-408-900-8400. In addition, customers can also use official Email contact of the company for all further discussions, customer service of Plaxo by email is: The Plaxo Incorporation, a Comcast company, can also be approached by website:

Social Media Profiles of Plaxo Incorporation:

To get latest bio of Plaxo Incorporation like usage, products, rates and offers etc. The customers can visit the official Facebook page of Plaxo Incorporation: To follow this organization on its Twitter page, subscribers have to connect with Plaxo twitter page at:

Plaxo Address

The address of Plaxo is 1050 Enterprise Way, Floor 5 Sunnyvale, California 94089, United States.

Plaxo Email Address

The email address of Plaxo is

Plaxo Website

The Website of Plaxo is

Plaxo Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Plaxo is +1-(408) 900-8400 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Plaxo Service Center and Plaxo customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Plaxo customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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