American Electric Power Columbus Ohio Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of American Electric Power Columbus Ohio is +1 304-755-5301, (614) 716-1000 .
American Electric Power is shortened as "AEP", It is one of the prevalent electric utilities in the USA, transporting electrical Energy to above 5,000,000 consumers in 11 states of America. American Electric Power ranks amongst the country’s major originators of electrical energy, owning about 38 thousand megawatts of engendering ability in the United States. American Electric Power also bags the country’s enormous power spread organization, and about 39 thousand mile complex that includes above 765-kilovolt -superfluous elevated electrical energy communication appearance than all supplementary United States of America transmission systems together. The corporation is furnishing safe and efficient power system since 1906.

Services of the American Electric Power Columbus Ohio

  • The association offers reasonably priced, welcoming and dependable electrical energy services to its clients and operates various congregation, delivery, and transmission pipelines crossways the country.
  • It serves a enormous figure of industries, private, transportation and current consumers all the way through the nation and furthermore offers emergency inclination services.
  • American Electric Power possesses its individual power plants and produces nearly 38 thousand megawatts electrical energy.
  • Customer care service also Very pleasant, users can call the company for any sort of violence in terms and conditions or bad service of electrical energy.

Social Media Networking Links of American Electric Power Columbus Ohio

People can get further information on various social media networking profile. The corporation has a very good reputation on social pages and also furnish their customers with very helpful information. Some of the social media networking links are mentioned below:

Facebook Link Of American Electric Power

Twitter Link Of American Electric Power

LinkedIn Link Of American Electric Power

American Electric Power Columbus Ohio Address

The address of American Electric Power Columbus Ohio is 1 Riverside Plaza Columbus, OH, USA 43215-2372.

American Electric Power Columbus Ohio Email Address

The email address of American Electric Power Columbus Ohio is

American Electric Power Columbus Ohio Website

The Website of American Electric Power Columbus Ohio is

American Electric Power Columbus Ohio Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of American Electric Power Columbus Ohio is +1 304-755-5301, (614) 716-1000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of American Electric Power Columbus Ohio Service Center and American Electric Power Columbus Ohio customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of American Electric Power Columbus Ohio customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against American Electric Power Columbus Ohio. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that American Electric Power Columbus Ohio will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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