Mr. Miguel Bikask Lobato Jimenez On Phone To Bigpoint Service
Please see attached file as screenshot. Thank you.
Mr. Musa Altürk On Phone To Bigpoint Service
Hello my name is musa. I'm play darkorbit for many years. I have a problem. I can not open my account. Please help me. To make this account a lot to deal with thisusername: -G?andPa-userID: 631255250.
Mr. David Jay On Phone To Bigpoint Service
How do you expect me to play Battle star if I cann't even log in. I do not understand the problem. 90% of the time, I can not log in or I get a socket error then can not log back in after a socket error. How are you fixing the problem?? Battlestar Galactica OnlineFlikkinNutzID: 832243Scorpia Server.
Mr. David Jay On Phone To Bigpoint Service
Support Team, I'm having a lot of trouble logging in to Battlestar Galactica Online. This has been going on over two weeks. Most players are getting Socket Error or No Valid Crossdomain Policy was found. Now sometimes during the day if you are lucky to get in, you can not even play the game. (now if you are tell yourself it must be his system, I can tell you its not) MY RIG:GPU: Geforce GTX Titan Black Hydro Copper SignatureCPU: Intel Core i7 4790K 4. 0GHzMemory: Corsair Vengenance Series 32GB DDR3-1600MotherBoard: Asus Maximus VII Formula LGA 1150 ATX IntelSSD: two Crucial MX10000 512GB Sata IIICooling: Corsair Hydro Series H105 Extreme Performance Liquid CPU CoolerInternet Speed: 50mpbsSo I know it is not me. So please, can you do something about this. Game Name: TroubleAccount Name: FlikkiNutzID: 832243Server: Scorpia.