Bountiful Baskets Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Bountiful Baskets is (831) 625-4457, 1-800-930-0077 .
Bountiful basket is a retail corporation. In 1993 bountiful basket was created. Steve and Sharon Cuneo owner of the company. It is the gift basket in which various items available in this basket. The owner of the company sold first basket without seal. Bountiful Basket having More Than thirteen products flavor which include Cranberry, Pineapple and many more. Most of the product related to fruit items. They also deals in corporate gift, party gift and much more. The corporation also having online website where all product is available. People can Buy any product through online website. Individual can read all information related to online shipping charges, return policy and product detail in company website. Fax: (831) 625-5413

About Bountiful Baskets / OMG SPECIALTY FOODS(OMG) Vinegars

The Bountiful Baskets has now changed your brand name as OMG SPECIALTY FOODS. The Bountiful Baskets are now using Pomegranate Balsamic Vinegars, OMG aslo prepare best salad for guests. The OMG also provide a Balsamic and rice-based vinegars and gift baskets. OMG Vinegars are most popular in taste, the OMG provide direct sales through via phone and internet orders. OMG are also available in downtown Carmel at the new Farmer’s Market on Thursdays from 10am to 2pm. The OMG has launched a new new wholesale and food service division rendering items to restaurants and specialty food stores. The OMG uses Balsamic vinegar, which is high in quality, comes from Modena, Italy and OMG also render a hand-crafted rice vinegar, based vinegars and California Extra Virgin Olive Oils. You can contact OMG Specialty Foods at: and you can also call at: (831) 625-4457.

Buy Online Vinegars of Bountiful Baskets/OMG SPECIALTY FOODS(OMG)
You can also buy OMG Balsamic Vinegars at the Carmel Valley Farmers' Market, Every Friday from 2 pm to 6 pm. Location: Carmel Valley Community Center, 25 Ford Road, Carmel Valley or you can buy online by visiting the given link at:
  • For Private Labeling email at:
  • For wholesale: email at:

Bountiful Baskets Address

The address of Bountiful Baskets is 3606 The Barnyard Carmel, CA, USA.

Bountiful Baskets Email Address

The email address of Bountiful Baskets is

Bountiful Baskets Website

The Website of Bountiful Baskets is

Bountiful Baskets Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bountiful Baskets is (831) 625-4457, 1-800-930-0077 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bountiful Baskets Service Center and Bountiful Baskets customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Bountiful Baskets customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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