DAV College of Education Abohar Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of DAV College of Education Abohar is 01634220296, 01634221113 .
DAV College of Education-Abohar is affiliated to Panjab University, Chandigarh. DAV College of Education-Abohar, was established in 1968 by DAV College Managing Committee, the biggest non-government educational organization in India headed by Padmashree Gian Prakash Chopra who was awarded Padmashree in 1999 for his remarkable contribution in the field of Education. Based on ten Principles of Arya Samaj, the College aims at and works actively for social, moral and spiritual upliftment of the society through its students. Special attention is paid to encourage and improve study of Hindi, Sanskrit, Vedic ideology and Values. It is the only college of Education in Punjab offering teaching of Sanskrit and Yoga Education. Utmost importance is given to inculcation of Moral Values. This college was started for the uplifment of Girls Education. The College is serving border area and most of the students are from villages.
DAV College of Education-Abohar is situated in DAV Campus spread over 25 acres of land. On this campus there are other DAV Colleges also. There are some common facilities of DAV like play ground, auditorium, etc. that are shared by DAV College of Education. The college has different laboratories, like, Educational Technology Laboratory, Psychology Laboratory, Computer Laboratory, Social Studies Laboratory, Music Laboratory, etc. The students and teachers extensively use these during teaching also. The teachers use different Methods of Teaching apart such as Discussion, Seminar, Team Teaching, Role Playing, Brainstorming, etc. apart from Lecture Method. DAV College of Education-Abohar has One Principal, ten permanent lectures, eleven temporary full time lectures and one lecturer is on adhoc basis. In addition to these, there is one Librarian, one Lecturer in Physical Education, one Music Teacher and one Computer Instructor. There are three technical staff and three administrative staff. The college has 18 computers and a library. There is an open access for M.Ed. students only. The Library is under computerization. DAV College of Education-Abohar provides moral education to students by organizing daily morning assembly where in thoughts, news, talks on moral values, Havan Yajna is performed by the students once a week. Students are divided into 20 sadans for inculcating civic responsibilities among them. They look after the maintenance of the college. Different camps are organized to have a better linkage with the community. The college celebrates different important days for developing sense of patriotism.
DAV College of Education-Abohar
is having one year degree course of B.Ed. having 250 seats & to meet the emergence of teacher educators the institution is having one year degree course in M.Ed. having 25 seats. Looking towards the needs of schools & employment opportunities college provides the platform to ETT Course having 50 seats duly recognized by Pb. Govt. College is also a center for University school of open learning, affiliated to Panjab University Chandigarh.
DAV College of Education-Abohar has lauched a placement portal for the benefit of employers and students.  Students can use this portal for making applications to employers hiring from the college, communicating with the placement office, participating in on-campus / off-campus recruitment drives of employers. Besides opportunities this portal has a knowledge center that includes a career guidance section, resume and interview preparation sections provided by the college for benefit of students. New articles on these subjects are posted on a regular basis. In addition students have access to career counselors, online quizzes and tests and a national level job vacancy database.  Employers can use this portal for signing up with the college placement office and hiring students. DAV College of Education-Abohar placement office will register the employer on receipt of the sign up information. Employers may then put up notices on the online notice board of the college in accordance with the rules of the college and approval from the placement office. Employers can manage their profiles, post vacancies, schedule events and manage applications received.This placement portal serves as a communication platform between the employer, the college placement office and students. DAV College of Education-Abohar is pleased to bring its placement office online. Students are informed hereby to contact the placement office for their login and passwords.

DAV College of Education Abohar Address

The address of DAV College of Education Abohar is Hanumangarh Road, DAV Campus, Abohar.

DAV College of Education Abohar Email Address

The email address of DAV College of Education Abohar is daveduabh@yahoo.com.

DAV College of Education Abohar Website

The Website of DAV College of Education Abohar is www.daveduabh.org.

DAV College of Education Abohar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of DAV College of Education Abohar is 01634220296, 01634221113 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of DAV College of Education Abohar Service Center and DAV College of Education Abohar customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of DAV College of Education Abohar customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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