Government Polytechnic College Kochi Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Government Polytechnic College Kochi is 04842555360 .

Government Polytechnic College – Kochi Kalamassery is one of the major Polytechnic colleges in Kerala having course of study in 7 disciplines. It started to function in the year 1951 as a technological institute and upgraded as a Polytechnic in 1958. The institution is centrally located in Always, Ernakulam and on the side of NH 47. Kalamassery - Eloor belt is acting as the industrial Capital of Kerala when major industries such as FACT, HMT, IRE, HIL, TCC and many others are functioning which might be the main reason why the situation of the location of the Polytechnic.

Government Polytechnic College – Kochi is spread over in an area of 59 acres where its main blocks, various academic blocks, laboratories and workshops are situated. Women's Polytechnic College, LBS Centre for Science and Technology, Supervisory Development Centre, Curriculam Development Centre, Industrial Training Institute, St.Paul's College etc. are some of the institutions functioning nearby, gives their own contributions for the overall development of the college. The Computer Lab of Government Polytechnic College – Kochi is equipped with more than 100 Pentium IV IBM Computers with color monitor, multimedia facilities, scanner, and printers of all types. Computer Lab of Government Polytechnic College – Kochi is designed to offer students access and exposure to the latest equipment in the field.

Sports facility at Government Polytechnic College – Kochi has provided the facility of indoor and outdoor games to its students. Students have the facility of playing chess, carom, Chinese checker, badminton and table-tennis. Similarly, the college is also providing facility for some outdoor games like volley ball, kho-kho and football, cricket etc. Government Polytechnic College – Kochi sports facilities as a student you can use the sports facilities and join in a range of activities. College Fitness Centre offers the finest equipment available today. Government Polytechnic College – Kochi is maintaing a very good academic record for years having good number of its alumni got placed in major industries such as KRL, FACT, HMT, Appolo Tyres etc. and in other organizations such as Public Work Department, Electricity Board, Water Authority, BSNL etc.

Government Polytechnic College – Kochi an exclusive canteen is available in the campus offering tasty and hygienic food. In order to cater to all the students from different parts of India and aboard, South India, North Indian and Chinese dishes are offered. A modern departmental store is also functioning inside the campus for the benefit of students. Besides, a Suggestion Box is kept at a prominent place for the students to address their concern. Cafeteria of Government Polytechnic College – Kochi is a hygienic, well-furnished and well-equipped canteen is available in the campus to provide food at nominal rates for the staff and students.

Government Polytechnic College Kochi Address

The address of Government Polytechnic College Kochi is Industry Institute Partnership Cell, Room No: 15, Pampa Building, Govt. Polytechnic College, Kalamassery, Cochin.

Government Polytechnic College Kochi Email Address

The email address of Government Polytechnic College Kochi is

Government Polytechnic College Kochi Website

The Website of Government Polytechnic College Kochi is

Government Polytechnic College Kochi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Government Polytechnic College Kochi is 04842555360 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Government Polytechnic College Kochi Service Center and Government Polytechnic College Kochi customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Government Polytechnic College Kochi customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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