Gurkha Spice Carlisle Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Gurkha Spice Carlisle is +44 1228 525344 .
Gurkha Spicy is a restaurant that provides a casual Dining experience to the customers providing them nutritious food at reasonable prices and also good environment. It is the restaurant that offers the great variety of meals and drinks such as starters, bread, rice, pizzas, kebabs, Gurkha spicy specials, Tandoori Masala, Tikka Masala, garlic bread, soft drinks, alcohols, salads, pickles, garlic bread and many more side dishes. The restaurant offers the provision for ordering the food online by saving their time and get delivery at home within 20 minutes. Gurkha Spicy provides the online payment methods by different means such as by Master Card, VISA, Maestro Card and many more. The restaurant provides free home delivery for the CA1, CA2 and CA3 postal codes in United Kingdom. Gurkha Spicy is opened 7 days a week from 4:30 pm to 11 pm.

Specifications Of Gurkha Spice Carlisle

Gurkha Spice Carlisle is a best restaurant that offer delicious meals to customers.
The restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes to customers on very affordable rates. Gurkha Spice Carlisle also offers Alcohol, Salads and Pickles, Starters, Breads, Rice, Tikka Masala, Tandoori Masala, Biryani, Gurkha Spicy Specials and Famous Indian Dishes.Gurkha Spice Carlisle also deliver various flavors of pizza's to customers. in addition to this the restaurant offers different brands of beverage to customers that includes classical wines and modern day drinks. The restaurant also offers space to customers to organize personal events that consists of parties and business meetings. Gurkha Spice Carlisle also deliver various takeaways meals and facilitate customer by home delivering options.

Connect To Gurkha Spice Carlisle

In order to connect with restaurant do use below given numbers:
Phone Number: 01228525344
Opening Hours: Monday through Thursday: 4:30pm - 11:00pm
Friday through Saturday: 4:30pm - 12:00am
Sunday: 4:30pm - 11:00pm

Order Food Online from Gurkha Spice Carlisle

Gurkha Spice Carlisle is a customer friendly restaurant that allows customers to order desired meals online. The restaurant has well designed customer support that allows easy access and helps in placing smooth order. To order meals online do visit the link:

Gurkha Spice Carlisle Address

The address of Gurkha Spice Carlisle is 37 London Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2JZ, United Kingdom.

Gurkha Spice Carlisle Website

The Website of Gurkha Spice Carlisle is

Gurkha Spice Carlisle Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Gurkha Spice Carlisle is +44 1228 525344 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Gurkha Spice Carlisle Service Center and Gurkha Spice Carlisle customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Gurkha Spice Carlisle customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Gurkha Spice Carlisle Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

No complaints and reviews so far for Gurkha Spice Carlisle.To add review or complaint against Gurkha Spice Carlisle Click Here.
We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Gurkha Spice Carlisle. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Gurkha Spice Carlisle will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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