Lucknow Polytechnic Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Lucknow Polytechnic is 05222436074 .

Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow was established in 1922. Technical education plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country in general, emancipation and empowerment of poor and disadvantaged groups / population in particular. It provides varied type of manpower. It is backbone of a country for its infrastructural, industrial and Economic development.

Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow technical education system provides the practical engineering education to students so as to groom up their personalities to such a level that they create a mark not only in the growth and development of our own country but also make a remarkable and positive dent in developed knowledge economics of the world. Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow education caters to the need of Industry / Govt. Departments / Public Sector Undertakings / Defense / Railways and all other employers by providing skilled technicians, supervisors and middle level Technical trained man-power. In the coming years there is going to be greater demand for skilled man-power, not only in the service sector but also in the core manufacturing industry. Indian Technicians have already demonstrated their worth globally.

The mission of Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow is to foster an intellectual and ethical environment in which both skills and spirit will thrives so as to impart high quality education, training and services with an international outlook and to create and develop technocrats and business leaders who will strive to improve the quality of life. And vision of Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow is to become a world class centre in providing globally relevant higher education in the field of engineering, technology and applied science embedded with human values. Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow provides Diploma program to the college students.

Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow is located at Kanpur Road Opposite Krishna Nagar Kotwali, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. At present Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow has 512-KBPS Lease Line for faculty and students. Quite a good number of Scanner, Printers, Large number of Self-learning CDs and Video Cassettes, Education Center with two –way Audio One way Video Satellite link connectivity with Head Office (Board of technical education) Lucknow and all the software required for education purpose are available with the college.

Two blocks of hostels for boys and one block for girls are constructed in Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow campus accommodating 200 boys and 100 girls. The said blocks are constructed in modern architectural splendor with state-of-the-art facilities like reading room, TV room, separate safe cupboard and reading table. The bath room and toilet are shared by the inhabitants of two rooms. Each block has a mess serving vegetarian and hygienic food. Some more hostels are under construction.

UCO Bank branch with ATM facilities available in Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow campus. A huge ground covering large area of the campus is available for playing outdoor games like Cricket, Volleyball, Football and other games. Necessary arrangements for playing indoor games like Chess, Carom and Table Tennis are also made. Lucknow Polytechnic - Lucknow Canteen is located on campus to meet the various requirements of the students. Beautiful guest houses for guests and staff quarters for the faculty are also constructed in the campus by the college.

Lucknow Polytechnic Address

The address of Lucknow Polytechnic is Kanpur Road Opposite Krishna Nagar Kotwali, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

Lucknow Polytechnic Email Address

The email address of Lucknow Polytechnic is

Lucknow Polytechnic Website

The Website of Lucknow Polytechnic is

Lucknow Polytechnic Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lucknow Polytechnic is 05222436074 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lucknow Polytechnic Service Center and Lucknow Polytechnic customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Lucknow Polytechnic customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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