Ms. cris fuller On Phone To Montgomery Ward Service
i did not place this order. it is a fraud. i have never purchased anything from your may contact me at the number above.
Received a fraudulent bill for something that was delivered to an address in New York. I have lived in my house in Phoenix, Arizona for 23 years and have never ever shopped with Montgomery Wards. Currently filed a complaint with the FTC regarding another fraud complaint that has since been resolved. Also filed a police report with the Phoenix Police Department.
Mr. Anthony Thomas On Phone To Montgomery Ward Service
My name is Anthony Thomas . I live in Ypsilanti, MI. At this time, I am a customer who is VERY angry and upset. Allow me to explain why. It was just this past week that I placed an initial down payment of $34. 60 for the order of a Pro Heat 2x carpet cleaner by Bissell, item number SM731132/order number 72489211. When checked yesterday for the status of my order, I was told that although my payment was accepted, my card had still been declined. The strange part about that is this previous week, I was informed that my method of payment was not only cleared, but accepted as well. So you can see why I am highly displeased and beside myself right now. Please contact me at 734-635-6227 that we may get to the bottom of what's going on. Or even my email address. Thank you.
Mr. Gary Skirvin On Phone To Montgomery Ward Service
My Name is Gary Skirvin . I am writing in regard to a bill (order 68547211)I received on October 11, 2017. The bill states I ordered something from your company, I have not. I have tried all your Customer Support numbers to talk to someone with no success. Please have someone contact me via phone today 10/12/17 @ (860) 282-4418 before 2:30 PM or (860) 568-4507 after 4PM eastern time so this issue my be resolved. I am also contacting my states Attorney Generals (Conn.)office in regard to this issue. Thank you.
Ms. Tamaura Weir On Phone To Montgomery Ward Service
My order. Where's my order? Its been along time? I'm paying a big shipping price and its still not here? This wull be the last time I order if if doesn't arrive soon. Tow months is too long.
Somehow when I try to make a regular payment of $25. I received a text saying that $237 would be taken off my debit card Why. This is the second time this has happpened and it needs to stop This happened in September of 2015. I made my payment of $25 and someone did not put it in the computer And because of that I was denied more credit through Montgomery Wards So now my payment will be late. Because I have to mail it in. You people need to let me know how you want me to make my payment that will keep you happy Without a problem
Sincerely frustrated,
Frances Brown .
I have had the worst experience. Ordering online from Montgomery Wards. I have sent several emails and hours dealing with customer service. I again sent several emails today. After dealing with the customer service department yesterday, for hours. I am sending corporate copies of all correspondence with the customer service department. And would like to talk to someone in corporate about how I have been treated and my experience with Montgomery Wards customer service.
414 - 333 - 4366.