Muvico Rosemont Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Muvico Rosemont is +1-847-447-1040 .
Muvico Rosemont is one of the customer representative locations of Muvico Theaters based in Illinois, United States. Muvico Theaters is a leading movie theater chain operated by Muvico Entertainment LLC. The company is based with corporate headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States. The company has seven theaters in Florida and has also in Chicago Metropolitan Area (Rosemont), and Thousand Oaks, California. It is widely known for the themes that include the French Opera house theme, Mediterranean palace theme, Egyptian theme, the 1920s grand movie palace theme and the 1950s drive-in theme. Muvico Theaters is also identified for the Premier Bar that is based at Centro Ybor 20 and Parisian 20 places.

Muvico Theaters Profile

Muvico Theaters was introduced in the year of 1984. It is a private company that operates a wide chain of cinemas in the country. In the year 2013, the Carmike Cinemas Incorporation has purchased 100% shares of Muvico Theaters and since then, it has been doing business as a subsidiary of Carmike Cinemas. The company operates Nationwide exhibit motion pictures at approximately 247 locations. Apart from this, Muvico Theaters also operates approximately 152 screens in nine locations with state-of-the-art big screen theaters. Muvico Theaters runs following theater locations in the United states that include Hialeah 12, Palm Harbor 10, Pompano 18, Rosemont 18 & MuviXL, Muvico Sundial 19 + IMAX, Centro Ybor 20, Starlight 20 , Thousand Oaks 14 & MuviXL and Parisian 20 & IMAX.

Muvico Rosemont Address

The address of Muvico Rosemont is 9701 Bryn Mawr Ave, Rosemont, IL 60018, United States.

Muvico Rosemont Website

The Website of Muvico Rosemont is

Muvico Rosemont Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Muvico Rosemont is +1-847-447-1040 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Muvico Rosemont Service Center and Muvico Rosemont customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Muvico Rosemont customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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