Northstate Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Northstate is +1-866-542-5900 / +1-336-884-6945 .
Northstate originally North State Communications is an American based telecommunication and information technology company. It offers innovative and affordable business solutions in the form of telephony services to thousands of residential as well as small businesses across the country. The company specializes in broadband internet services, fixed line services, cellular telephony, web hosting, data services, VoIp services and other wireless services.

Northstate Communications was incorporated in High Point in the year 1895 as High Point Telephone Exchange. In the year 1899, the company's operations were purchased by J.F. Hayden, who expanded the business to other parts of the country and renamed the company as the North State Telephone Company. Since its inception the company acquired operations of number of related businesses and companies such as like in the year 1929, the company took over over the assets of Randleman system, and after several years it acquired the Thomasville company.

Northstate Communications expanded its business by offering other communication products and services like in the year 2004 it had started offering digital television services. For the convenience of its customers the company has opened a customer care center that provides its customers with information on its products and services.

Contact Address of Northstate

For the services of the Northstate, users / clients can visit the below offered address or can dial the given numbers as:
2140 North Main Street,
High Point, North Carolina 27262,
United States
Telephone numbers: +1-866-542-5900 / +1-336-884-6945
Residential: 336.886.3600
Toll Free: 866.542.5900

Customer Care Numbers of Northstate

For the customer care support of Northstate, the users can use the below mentioned contact numbers for the given services as:
customer service Phone Numbers
EasyPay Bill Pay 336.886.3600
Business Advertising 866-961-0027
Support and Service 336.886
Technical Support 336.886.3600
Business Customers 866.542.6077

Locations of Northstate

The customers can also get connected withe located stores of Northstate through its recommended numbers which may either toll free or not includes as:
High Point
In Walmart Plaza
Tel: (336) 819-6704

In Kmart Plaza
Tel: (336) 472-6088

Corner of East Naomi St.
Tel: (336) 495-3519

Human Resource Contacts of Northstate

For the recruitment details of Northstate, interested persons can use the below email address or can click the given link page as:


Crystal Tedder:

Northstate Address

The address of Northstate is 2140 North Main Street, High Point, North Carolina 27262, United States.

Northstate Website

The Website of Northstate is

Northstate Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Northstate is +1-866-542-5900 / +1-336-884-6945 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Northstate Service Center and Northstate customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Northstate customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Northstate Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Northstate. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Northstate will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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