Relaince Landline Ahmadabad Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Relaince Landline Ahmadabad is +91(960)-107-0484 .
Reliance Corporation Limited is an Indian telecommunication corporation which is situated in Navi Mumbai, India. Its a publicly held company which is ranked in top five telecommunication companies in the world. Its commonly called as R-COM and is India's second largest telecommunications operator. The company has more than 150 million users and it is registered in 15th largest Mobile phone operators. The company was established in 2004 by Anil Dhirubhai Ambani. The company is further divided into five segments and they are Global segment, Wireless segment, Investment segment, Broadband segments and other segments. Reliance Communications is a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Group which was founded by Dhirubhai Ambani in 1966. Reliance Group is an Indian commercial corporation which deals in entertainment, communications, infrastructure, financial services, healthcare, and BPO services.

Reliance Corporation Limited has more than 18,070 employees working with it. As of 2013, the company had Revenue of USD $218 billion. The company provides its services in more than 24,000 cities and 600,000 villages across the country. The company has five subsidiaries and they are Reliance Tech Services, Reliance Internet Data Center, Reliance Digital TV, Reliance Telecommunication Limited, and Reliance Globalcom. Reliance Tech Services operates in telecommunications, infrastructure, utilities, financial services etc.

Reliance has an Internet Data Center which is a leading Internet data center provides Internet services and infrastructure management to large, medium, and small organizations. Reliance Digital Tv established in August 2008 and has more than 1.7 million subscribers. Reliance Telecommunication Limited provides GSM cellular services in Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha etc. Reliance Communications Limited has its branches in Pune, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh etc.

Relaince Landline Ahmadabad Address

The address of Relaince Landline Ahmadabad is Paga Masjid Road, Jamalpur 380001 Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Relaince Landline Ahmadabad Website

The Website of Relaince Landline Ahmadabad is

Relaince Landline Ahmadabad Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Relaince Landline Ahmadabad is +91(960)-107-0484 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Relaince Landline Ahmadabad Service Center and Relaince Landline Ahmadabad customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Relaince Landline Ahmadabad customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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