Safeco Field Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Safeco Field is +1-206-346-4000 .
Safeco Field, commonly known as Safeco, is a retractable baseball stadium situated in Seattle city of Washington. The stadium is owned by the Washington-King County Stadium Authority and operated by Baseball Club of Seattle LP. Safeco Field serve as the home stadium for region's local baseball team Seattle Mariners that plays in the Major League Baseball(MLB). The stadium is named after an insurance company named Safeco Insurance which hold the naming rights and is also based in Seattle city. Safeco field is used for mainly two sports which are baseball and football.

Safeco Field History

Safeco field was opened on 15th July 1999 and holds the maximum seating capacity of 47,476 according to an information published on 31st of December 2014. The need for the development of baseball stadium arose when Mariners' previous stadium the Kingdome was canceled as a Mlb facility. The owners of the team decided to relocate the team to a new venue that make way for the construction of a new stadium. Safeco Field is equipped with a wide range of facilities including food services, ample vehicle parking space with security equipment and many other facilities.

Safeco Field was designed by two American based companies named 360 Architecture and NBBJ. The stadium was ranked eighth in the list of Best Place to Catch a Game for the year 2013 by the Total Pro Sports. Safeco Field had hosted number of popular matches between the favorite teams in the past. It is also used as a venue to conduct musical shows and concerts held over in the country.

Location of Safeco Field:

1250 1st Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, United States
The address location of the stadium is listed here for the convenience of people.

Contact Number of Safeco Field:

Safeco Field can be contacted through phone at the given number for inquiring about tickets and other queries.

Website of Seattle Mariners:
The detailed information about the home team and the stadium is available at the above listed web address.

Safeco Field Address

The address of Safeco Field is 1250 1st Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, United States.

Safeco Field Website

The Website of Safeco Field is

Safeco Field Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Safeco Field is +1-206-346-4000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Safeco Field Service Center and Safeco Field customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Safeco Field customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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