University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery is +1 (319) 335-3500 .
University of Iowa Hospital is one of the leading hospitals that was established in 1898 in the United States. It is the collegiate center and regional referral center in Iowa state. The University of Iowa Hospital offers academic courses of Anesthesia, Cell Biology, Anatomy and Biochemistry. It also provides the Dermatology care, Family Medicine care, emergency medicine and Hospital Dentistry to the patients in the United States. It has more than 1,432 physician, fellows and residents, 7,482 non-physician employees that includes 1,806 professional nurse also in the hospital. The hospital is located in Iowa City, Iowa at Mel rose Avenue and Hawkins Drive near Kinnick Stadium. It consists 711 bed and long term care facilities for senior Citizens and needy patients. Its objective is to provide the quality medical services for live healthy life in the state. The University of Iowa Hospital provides care in various diseases like Allergies and Immune Problems, Cancer, Oncology, Cardiology, Dentistry, Mouth and Teeth, Skin, Hair, and Nails etc. It provides the emergency care for the patients and is the center of the Trauma Medicine and Burn Treatment. The University of Iowa offers the academic programs such as Graduate Programs, Undergraduate Program and Research programs for the students. There are more than 1300 volunteers in the hospital who serve patients by providing medical care in the acute center. It is the largest multi special surgery group which provides the facility of medical care and biomedical research services.

University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery Address

The address of University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery is Iowa City, Iowa 52242, United States.

University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery Website

The Website of University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery is

University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery is +1 (319) 335-3500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery Service Center and University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Iowa Hospital Labor and Delivery customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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