Peco Commercial Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Peco Commercial is +1.800.494.4000, +1-800-841-4141 .
PECO is an American Energy company that is a part of Exelon Corporation since the year 2000 after it combined with Unicom. The company offers various types of energy services to the people of the country such as natural gas, electricity supply. The company is an old company that came into existence in the year 1902 but traces its Roots back to the formation of 'The Brush Electric Light Company of Philadelphia' in the year 1881. The company was from the times of Thomas Edison inventor of electric bulb. The company was previously known with the name of Philadelphia Electric Company. The company is responsible for supplying the various types of energy services to the people of the United States. In the field of electricity distribution the company owns a large amount of volume in the form of electric lines that consists of 15,260 square miles of underground distribution cables, 1,067 miles of higher-voltage transmission lines and 12,933 miles of aerial distribution lines. On the natural gas side it owns and operate 12,157 miles of transmission, distribution and service pipes as of March, 2013. In addition to that the company also owns a liquefied natural gas storage facility in West Conshohocken having a capacity of 1,200,000,000 cubic feet and a propane-air plant in Chester. The demand of company's electricity services increases both in the Summer and winter seasons that require air conditioning and heating facilities respectively.

Peco Commercial Address

The address of Peco Commercial is 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, United States.

Peco Commercial Website

The Website of Peco Commercial is

Peco Commercial Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Peco Commercial is +1.800.494.4000, +1-800-841-4141 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Peco Commercial Service Center and Peco Commercial customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Peco Commercial customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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