Mr. Furqon On Phone To Apple Iphone Indonesia Service
Why i have same billing, cause i can not used that program such itune,
can i, delete may no credit card from database apple or itune. Every day i receive billling from i do not know for what. Thanks.
Ms. Murni On Phone To Apple Iphone Indonesia Service
Hi, may i ask why my iphone 5c always network searching then i reset all content and setting, but after that cannot activeted. Thanks please help me solving this problem.
Ms. Debiyanti Herman On Phone To Apple Iphone Indonesia Service
Why its takes almost four months to repair my ipod touch? Since this complaint sent i have not receive my ipod since i brought it to ME Gallery Panakukang / Mega Electronic Makassar Indonesia, as an authorised centre of Apple Product in Makassar Indonesia.
Mr. ahmad wirawan On Phone To Apple Iphone Indonesia Service
I kept WhatsApp running and used iTools (how-to as described above) to open net.whatsapp.Whatsapp.plist and there a key PassCode /key followed by an integrer and I used it's value as the input in the 3-digit code input window.
Now it is taking for ever for WhatsApp to complete "creating favorites" with the spinning wheel and I will update this post after further testing.
Under the WhatsApp Settings tab Network Status it says "Not Connected". :o
Mr. ahmad wirawan On Phone To Apple Iphone Indonesia Service
I can confirm what Xander first reported above and confirmed by uli4351:
iPhone 3G, my custom iOS 4.2.1 using WhatsApp v2.5.6 downloaded from uli4351's link posted above.
After requesting a 3-digit code it said "Network Problem - Sorry, we could not connect to our SMS authentication server. This is probably due to a poor network connectivity. Please try again once you have a better network connectivity" instead of the your app is too old I got with WhatsApp v2.8.4 and WhatsApp v2.8.7 on an iPhone 3GS.
Mr. Abrar basyaib On Phone To Apple Iphone Indonesia Service
cannot sign in iCloud.
"maximum free number account activated on this iphone"
how i can fix it.
Risiana On Phone To Apple Iphone Indonesia Service
i update my iphone4 from ios 4.1 to the latest ios (automatically when i plug in my iphone to itunes), but when all done my iphone doesn't connect to itunes anymore. now my iphone just has the picture that i must plug in to itunes. (like the first time iphone must be plug in in itunes), but i try several times. itunes doesn't show my iphone icon.
Please reply me in