What the fuck you banned me for ? unban me fucking right away you have seven days
i will come visit you on the eith day The address of Kixeye is 333 Bush Street, 19th Floor, San Francisco, California 94104, United States. Is that clear for you.
I Have sent Complaints to Kixeye.com/support on my base in Kixeye it do not work on facebook side cant get the rignt base in Kixeye getting hit, but cant see it in face book side just in the clan chat page on right sie of the top of the page sreenshot do not work now, but have so I did some thing to stop a problem in one drive icant fix ive had a lot ofproblem on the Google email on my phone 864-478-2942 so icould getin gmail.com and f my computer up in Google phone support would be nice thank you for your time I called the for Kixeye 1-415-400-8288.
Mr. Danny Alsleben On Phone To Kixeye Service
Hitting uranium bases says I won 50000 at most get5000 this has happened seven times.
Mr. Danny Alsleben On Phone To Kixeye Service
Been playing a while now changed browsers cleared cookies, but still can only get messages for team mates un able to send. I to not coin so can not sent fix it tickets went to forms no help.
Mr. Theodoros Katsilogiannis On Phone To Kixeye Service
Do to a reconect lost my heavy platoon whats going on please check my loss.
Mr. Anthony Wright On Phone To Kixeye Service
Hi Last night i Paid over 20 Pound for a 299 Purchase you put up Last night Which i have not received this has happened Three times this year so i have had enough and would like ALL MY Money back for All the items thank you.
Mr. Leroy Deane On Phone To Kixeye Service
Yesterday I purchase the omega herald bundle I got the gold, but I did not get the omega herald please help.
Help Kixeye Support
when starting the game it will continually load showing each type of ship for more than five min and I refresh. Its happening all the time. Please help
Secondary, I am unable to use support while in Battle Pirates because my
2 years/lvl 100 experience doesn't shop up on my profile. It still shows lvl 1. I have spent $$$ Thousands $$$ over these past two years. 916-622-8288
Please help resolve this.
Mr. Teo Kats On Phone To Kixeye Service
I did not get my 100 gold, but everyone else did can you check please thank you.
Mr. Murghub Ktk On Phone To Kixeye Service
I want send gold with friend acc, but it say is not aviable.
Mr. Leonard On Phone To Kixeye Service
I even expanded my base one time., , i wanted to expand it more, but i was hacked and i want that account back, thank you.
Mr. Leonard On Phone To Kixeye Service
I was hacked a little over three month, s ago., , i have made a new account, but i really want my level 44 account back, , the hacker changed my password and for the life of me i cant remember it now., , can you get my account back to me?, i still remember my old War Commander I. D. Number., , it is, , 4679871. That, s the account i want back real bad., , thank you.
I used my sisters credit card on battle pirates to buy a ship and someone hacked it and over charged my sisters bank account 200. 00. Kixeye should pay her back.
Mr. Danny Alsleben On Phone To Kixeye Service
No help for non coiners right now fleet has been repairing should have been done1 hour ago, but said 45 minutes let just check still has 30 min left have not been attacked have better ships to use in raids, but can not use why.
Mr. William Zinn On Phone To Kixeye Service
I have been Trying to log into War Commander an My User ID Is 34066421 Face Book Id is 690750745. I receive a Message saying "Unable to Re-Establish a Satellite Connection. An on going problem since FEB. 2018. Cleaned all Files still an still this persist. Used Google chrome also I. E also Fire Fox an still no luck. Please help an fix?.
Mr. William Zinn On Phone To Kixeye Service
For the past couple of Month's now have been unable to play the game I keep getting the message saying Lost Satellite Connection please refresh the page. I have cleared cookies an Cache an update flash player. But still have this issue. User Id is 20763-2977166.
Mr. Bulldawg Malone On Phone To Kixeye Service
Have a problem with my base. The gridiron I was building had the 20 day build token. Had two days left on it. It stopped. I never stopped it. I am thinking it stopped after my base got hit. Just guessing. But it was around that time. Sent tickets in restarted the build. Been getting the run around, . Also had the same thing happen sorta with the emporia. Generalist hull I baught the build tokens. After I started it it was stopped somehow. I do not no how. Lost the tokens.
Dear Kixeye you bann me for Abusing an exploit (retrofits) user ID 11340504 you see my ship carfully i do not use any item i use full time for ship retrofits. Now you bann me i have no more money which i give you. I use full time so bann.
Mr. Harem Chragi On Phone To Kixeye Service
i have had an issue for three month and i have sent a number of tickets and all am getting back is the same responce saying that they are sorry and they have forwarded my detail to there game team and nothing is happening i have been playing the game for about six years and spent lots of money. This is getting very frustrating as nothing getting done and i seems to be going round and round in circle.
Dear sirs i have a friend in sector 250 that she got hacked her name is queen eman her ID number is 31539526, she does not know how to cheat plays by the rules she lives in egypt and can not sent letters out this game is all she has. Now all ask please to is reactive her account before this dealine on tuesday., and move her account to a safe sector please i would like to hear from you at Kixeye i been playing this game from the beginning of time i belive that i coined enough i wrote you about this six times now and five letters and certified letter to you and got no responce. Thank you have a nice day wolfden.
5650498, sec 392. Not happy with the upcoming move. I have expended lots of effort and resources to acquire and retain 114 depots over the last four years. How will Kixeye compensate me for this loss. I plan to file a complaint with my state attorney generals office and quit all Kixeye games if you carry through with this.
Hello my name is Dave I have been trying for years to get support, every time i have tried says i do not have a valid email. 14180959 ID my game name is hittheguybesideme i belong to alliance FND Every time i try to post a ticket or what ever says i do not have a valid email switch to facebook sign in so i do and then says the same thing, I have tried to sign in with Kixeye and says not valid. If someone can activate my email i would appreciate. I have lost dozens of fleets for numerous reasons, but can not send in ticket.
I have an issue in relation to my main/most used vega conflict account. I intially was playing Vega Conflict via my tablet device, the account being linked using Google Plus. Months later Vega Conflict was available through Steam, so I created a Steam account and managed to link my account, via Google Plus, to the newly created Steam account. This worked up until about two weeks ago, when I noticed, whislt playing through Steam, that the account was not linked anymore to Google Plus. The message 'No valid networks found to link to' is shown. I investigated by logging in through Kixeye.com. A message appeared notifying me that Kixeye were having trouble locating my account. Now, I am positive that I have created a problem here, either by linking or creating accounts via steam and/or through the Steam platform. I cannot figure out where I have gone wrong, and the solution to this mess evades me. Your reply annd support would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Kixeye
i realy respect your punishement for banning cheaters, but i did nothing to get banned i just back from work in army for three mouths and i fount that my account banned and this is not fair please fix that as soon as possible
name : dragon2
sector 203
user ID 33343746
respect from tunisian soldier.
User account ID 33231565 banned for no solid reason. Kixeye considers its own upgradation as mistake. Rocket silo updates done and rockets capacity increased from 100 to 200. The rockets inside silo now will show overcapacity as their capacity increased from 100 to 200 and account banned. A biased and unfair decision by Kixeye to bann account for something created by them own. Shame on you Kixeye workers. Hope you get and train your workers in a better way, you have better understanding of game. Review your decision Kixeye and open this account.
Id: 33231565 banned after eight months of hardwork at lvl 40. While other ids tht are cheat for helping this accont are going smoothly with no problems. This is not fair Kixeye. Have no system of checking accnts. Mostly decisions are based on racism. No cheat ever been done on this accont
Kixeye review decision and give this accnt back.
Id:33231565 a big embarrasment to see banned after eight months of hard work. All bildings and toons are real and taken from events. I do not know what Kixeye workers have in mind. Blame anyone for cheating and banned. With no solid reason. This is not fair. eight monts of hardwork and then banned for no reason. Racism is something that most of people on net is blamming Kixeye for. Never saw english cheatore ever to get banned even sending tickets with pictres. They always foster here. Please review the decision on this id. No cheat has been done.
Mr. Michael Ventura On Phone To Kixeye Service
I have been waiting now for days not one as answer me there is your pictures i payed for it i busted my buns off get it as you can see on bug report if you can get someone to look i want my print threw out the raid that manofwar said you could buy it i did and now it says you cant well that to me is fraud you cant do that that boat was 960 coin after shards i stayed up all nite and did it in a day as you can see in the pictures it went throw took my coin, but i nerver got the print i want the print i worked for it i been playing this game for years i do not want the coin i want the boat if not i want all my coin back because you guys advertise a boat for sell in the game that i did way before your update saying you cant coin it that my friend is fraud.
Hi, Kixeye i have not play for months now and could i start playing i was one of players that buy gold from you if you could check my payments. I spend more then hunders at your game it just got too much players in the game cheating and the turn around and say i was cheating. Is there a way you can reinstate me back to play again if possible like my old account back. Id 5291528 that my account in fb.
Mr. Chs Cheah On Phone To Kixeye Service
Hi. I am a player that playing a game name backyard monster. My fb account name Chs Cheah. Had been suspended without any reason. I already stop playing this game for few years. Because of last time there was a player reported me reason is i attacking his base too much times. And after that i been ban. I am a loyal player and play with sincerely. Please give me some feedback. I miss my account so much.
Hello Kixeye i am a little mad right now i am not a happy man could you please tell me why my account has been suspended for cheating. I have never cheated on the game since i have been playing i have always coined. I have been to see a lawyer and he has had my bank statements so he knows how much money i have spent on the game. He turned round and told me if i did not get my account back he would be taking you to court and requesting back every penny i spent on the game plus compensation. I would really appreciate it if somebody from Kixeye would get back to me as soon as possible. My player I. D is 9176322 and my ticket I. D is 1812336.
ID (6748131)To KixeyeI have bin caught cheating and hold my hands upto the fact that i havei have other three years invested in this game and only cheated for four months that hole time i am not proud of what i have done as ive let my players and alliance down i am hoping that you will feel it on your heart as a gaming company to see i recognize the error of my ways and give me a second chance, i really enjoy your game and accept i have done wrong looking forward to hearing from you kind regards madddog.
Mr. Robpozzo On Phone To Kixeye Service
I'm not trying to be mad, but I'm pissed in stead I have been playing for a long time I put lots of money in this game and now I'm not aloud to play for saying that I thought happened I was wrong my brother was the one on my game I'm sorry for the misunderstanding and truly hope you can reactivate my account he never told me he was using my account I was permanently kicked out of the game for thinking something else happened.
Mr. Luke Oconnor On Phone To Kixeye Service
Hiya been banned on battle pirates and I will be honestly I did use instant repair because there was players out there using it on me every time came out of my base I'll get hit and by that has happened I was under attack do you think is fair for me get banned I've been playing for four years yes I do coin that was one off I did the Insta repair yes I'm on everyday on the game to be truthful that most addictive game I go on Please let me know how get my account back My ID number is 6591656 Regards Luke Player name tk-wolf.
Hello all Kixeye i have been playin battlepirates for awhile now and i have never hacked or cheated at all and i call the number to talk to some one bout this and i get told by a machine all messages left on it would be deleted and not listened to its pretty messed up on how other players got banned and got there bases back right before this monthly raid and you all singled me out and wont help do anything to correct its pretty lame that this has happened to me and i have been through all my payments that i have made to you guys through facebook for battlepirates kinda of messed up if you ask me an i have the proof that i have never cheated at all and all the coins i saved for builds and used apreantly did not mean nothin to yas at all my ID for the game is 6785819.
Mr. Aziz Tiqe On Phone To Kixeye Service
Hi i am Aziz Tiqe fbi team i have brablom with the hackers poeple from aliiens kt and nvd thay do not banned new ID hight leve 44 and, but so mach units in the base
THE PUNK-ASS 32685564 must all team atack him of ien to be bubbl ID 33096088 ID 33348746 ID 32101336 ID 32979618 icant bleve that thay have 40 emails all hack
for that mester i am her we cant enymoor like this so please can you fix it and banned him
thank you.
Hello Kixeye my user ID is 21605821 WAR COMMANDER Why are you doing this with my game i understand that a game requires lot of investment. And i do understand that investment means money I agree to buy gold and i will buy But please check my game first my game is full of erorrs I was in 182 sector for a week and today i jumped back to my home sector(365). When i log in to the game i still see 182 game chat and my world map is empty my friends from our clan told me that my base is in 365 i can not play anymore. I can not do nothing The first osnalought trophy disappeared from my base one month ago. I want it back. I won it Please Kixeye solve my problems and let me play the game and i will be grateful as a good customer and this is a promise Thank you very much and please answer to my ticket .
Mr. Josue Otero On Phone To Kixeye Service
Hi, my name is Josue Otero . I had a War Commander account and lost it around two years ago. I enjoyed it a lot been part of it as a player and spent a lot of money on it. I would like to know if it is possible I could get my account back and keep contributing for the envelopment of this game as it is one of the best online games that we have to be involve in our spare time. I'll appreciate your help in this matter. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. My User ID is: 24541303.
Mr. Josh On Phone To Kixeye Service
I have got Permanently Banned and I have never been banned before. My ID275788 there is others that got banned besides me and they got there accounts back. I do not understand why I got Permanently Banned when I have never been Banned before. And I know that others that where banned have been banned before. I would just like a real responce then an automated system message. I have been playing this game since it came out and have been a enjoyed this game and spent alot of time building and playing. Just would like some answers thank you.
Hello all team Kixeye i get band from you guys for no reason my account clean i never cheat in this game i was buy gold to fix my stuff from pay pal i love this game so please check my account and thank you. Merry christmas and happy new year for you all my ID 33117978 I am ready to pay money to get my account i was in sector 250.
I have been repeatedly attacked by a cheater using two different accounts in sector 417. One is a level 42 STOP-CRYING (User ID33203327) and a level 42 ANTI-IAA (User ID33199847). This individual uses 23 Night Owls in each attack with ANTI-IAA and 20 Night Owls with each attack with STOP-CRYING. It is clear to see that he is cheating because a maxed out Aircraft platoon can only hold 12 total each attack. Myself and several others have been reporting both accounts over the last couple of weeks and sending screenshots to prove he is cheating. But Kixeye has done nothing at all to stop this individual whom has stated several times that he is with Kixeye in web chat and can not be banned which is beginning to be believed by all in sector 417 because of the NON-ACTIONS of Kixeye against either of his accounts.
Kixeye is supporting hackers in their game and in doing so is putting all of our Facebook accounts at risk, banning legit players and keeping hackers, they have admitted to hacking the account and still Kixeye has done nothing except ban the account that was hacked a legit player that's played since the game came out and also put a lot of money in the game something needs to be done.
Ms. Aurrora Morgan On Phone To Kixeye Service
Hello againMy user Id 165545594Another day without my fun time in Battle Pirates. That hurts so much my feelings. Please do something for me account. Tell you did it for thanksgiving day. I feel like i am in jail and all my friends go four fun out. Please do not be so hard with me. Just try to put yourself in my position to understand how bad i am now. It hurts bad, really really bad. Thanks for your time.
Ms. Aurrora Morgan On Phone To Kixeye Service
Aurrora Morgan aurroramorgan@gmail.com 29 ??e (???? ap? one ?µ??a) support Hello My user ID (16554594)I am permanently banned on Battle Pirates game. Please look into it one more time and I really really hope you will reconsider your decision to something else. Maybe one time courtesy considering that i have never been banned before. Please do that in whatever terms you want and need. Thanks for your time.
My name is Eric Johnson . Ive been playing battle pirates under the name eaglefritz. User ID 9493964. Version 252. 67696. I have not been able to play in over a month. The game will not load. Have tried all the suggestions you have posted, even changed from chrome, firefox, explorer still cant get past loading page. Finally, tried using a couple of different computers still wont load. Then tried to make a service ticket, but Kixeye wont accept my email address. Would appreciate an explanation or a fix.
Mr. Dianito On Phone To Kixeye Service
ID; 12182708GAME NAME; Uno LVL 41. DATE OF BAN, JULY nine, 20015Dear sir/ma'am. Good day. I hope you will give me a 2nd chance to play my war-commander account again. This is only the game i played for and I am very happy to play this game because i meet and i played to different nationalities. And most of all i got a lots of friend to this game I am very happy and thankful for that. Sir/ma'am i just want to appeal my account i banned for over two months and i play this game for over three years i spend money just to enjoy to play this game. I have small clan with 315 members and most of us using gold just to enjoy this game, but when i got banned all of them stop to buy gold the reason gold is useless you got banned also for a false report. Sir/ ma'am please give me a chance to enjoy to play this game again. Please see my POP at attachment. Thanks and regards.
Mr. Morne Snyman On Phone To Kixeye Service
Good day Sir/MadamI wanted to log into Battle Pirates and found that my account has been suspended. I admit that I cheated and know that I was wrong, it won't happen again as it will take forever if I have to restart it from the beginning. I have had great fun playing this game and it keeps me occupied when I do not have anything to do. I request that you remove suspected cheats and "unban" my base please. My ID is 15915201. Your decision would be highly appreciated in this regard.
Mr. Bill Rimmer On Phone To Kixeye Service
My name is bill I found my base banned for no reason I play fair do not cheat tried to call, but get an answering machine I have contacted my lawyer I demand my base back or I will instruct him to file a lawsuit for discrimination I have been playing for going on three years and bought gold off and on I also want to know why I was banned in the first place all I ask for is my base back so please give it back my base ID is 27324773 I will be waiting for your response.
Mr. John Belt On Phone To Kixeye Service
I had reported a problem i had three days ago and no reply back, but instead you banned my account again i am filing along with the others in a class action lawsuit with the others and getting my money back i had spent on this game for the past three years i had spoken with my attorney and my bank about this and putting in for a refund you all had took and responded to others who had sent in mass emails saying i was cheating and when you looked over my base seen nothing was out of place never took anything from it, but less than a week later decide to ban my account i had spent close to nine thousand dollars on this game since i had started playing battle pirates and now you do this again i am over it i just want my money back and going back to playing the other games i used to along is a picture of what i had sent in prior to you all banning my account for the 2nd time that still has not been replied to.
User I. D 2004573 I have been suspended from Battle Pirates and it appears my account has been hacked i have been unable to contact Kixeye via any other way apart from this, My e-mail has also been affected so i am using the one below (gary30425@live. Co. Uk)is my e-mail that is no longer in use, Please let me know why my account has been suspended i am not a cheat and have been playing this game for over four years to get to level 70 i play every day please look into this and reinstate my account G. S. POMROY.