My wife tried to book a night through Mapquest with Wyndham in Tifton, Ga. She entered her one night, Thursday night, and it automatically changed it to Friday and Saturday night. When she tried to back out in the confirmed the request, which was wrong. She called to cancel the reservation and was given the run around between the Mapquest people and the Wyndham Hotel people. Each saying the other would be responsible for the cancellation and refund. No one would cancel or issue a refund. Trip number is 18109187271 for Karen Brentlinger. Total charges of 182. 78. The website should not be changing dates unless asked. There should be a confirmation button to confirm or deny. She should be refunded in full. Mapquest and Wyndham need to work out the problem and not say it is the others problem.
I think this is to Mapquest. Not sure. I have been using Mapquest for some time and have been confused and disappointed with the directions and maps. I just researched directions from Mount Gilead NC to Mooresville NC. The rEsults were three different routings, all utilizing I-485 near Charlotte (the worst place to drive through), and all taking close to two hours. The maps were so general they were useless. Your only advantage I see is the selection of larger fonts
I then looked up Yahoo Maps and found much better maps, but about the same mileage, again using Charlotte and I-485. But as for mileage, Google Map beat the heck out of everyone. Their routing was more direct and the driving time is less than 1hr 30min. Now get off your duff and upgrade your maps/directions. This not my first time asking for help.
Ms. Denise C. Sorensen On Phone To Mapquest Service
To Mapquest,
Just left a voice mail message. Map Quest is a terrible site for directions. I was on the site yesterday trying for an hour to get directions for a meeting that I have this Thurs. Aug. 11th. I've had several problems with Mapquest. I like your old format much better. To try and talk to someone is also an impossibility as well. I'm trying to get street directions to 10513 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 and Map Quest was giving me directions to other places. Not the address that I requested. Thank you.
Mr. Jalal Lemoufid On Phone To Mapquest Service
Hello my name is " Jalal Lemoufid ", i am in France and i see that my company is in your website, my personal name is the name of my company too, i do not want to be in your database and in in your website please supress all the informations about me, i do not want to appear in it. Best regards. Jalal Lemoufid .
Is there anyway I can get the old Mapquest. This new one is cumbersome and does not work well. The old Mapquest was easy to use.
Regards to Mapquest app, trying to downdload it and it won't stay on?
thank you, and god bless, .
Hate the new Mapquest; Old one was 100% BETTER.
When getting directins, your new Mapquest site won't let me drag the route, even though it says you can. Your old Mapquest was so much better How can I drag the route since when I click on the icon which says drag route, the entire map moves and I cannot drag the route
I do not have a mobile ; please respond via email. Thanks.
When I have used Mapquest in the past after I got my directions there was a place under each step to zoom into that step and I could then follow along. Now there is no longer a place under each step to zoom in to that step and then follow. Is there any way to do this? Was it removed and will it be coming back? I have found many errors in map quest directions also, and it is becoming useless to me. I do not like the new Mapquest site.
When I have used Mapquest in the past after I got my directions there was a place under each step to zoom into that step and I could then follow along. Now there is no longer a place under each step to zoom in to that step and then follow. Is there any way to do this? Was it removed and will it be coming back? I have found many errors in map quest directions also, and it is becoming useless to me.
Ms. Jennifer Murphy On Phone To Mapquest Service
We need to have our company profile updated. Please call 407/896/7252 or email me.
Ms. San Bradshaw On Phone To Mapquest Service
We need to have our company profile updated. Please call me at 785-856-4958 or 785-393-1473(cell) to make the changes. Thanks.
Mr. Jackie On Phone To Mapquest Service
Hello. Before you guys updated your website, the hotels, gas, and etc. Was listed through out the directions. Know I can not figure it out. How can i have HOTELS, food, and gas listed through out my directions? My name is Jackie and my cell number is 515-238-9189 and email is I would rather have someone call me please instead of email. Thank you for your time reading this email. When you get this, can you please contact me as soon as possible because I will be moving and I need help. Thank you again.
I do not like the "new" Mapquest. I do not like being redirected from to a site I'm unfamiliar with and especially when my software warns me it is suspicious and likely unsafe. I also want nothing to do with, the worst and unsafest search engine I've encountered. I've tried "classic" as recommended by your company, but the link just redirects me again to the above. I'm extremely disappointed. I thought Mapquest was a better company than this. Jim Vaughan .
Mr. John On Phone To Mapquest Service
New web site stinks. No gas cost. Not time on different legs of a trip, just total time.