West Bengal University of Technology Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of West Bengal University of Technology is 03323210731, 03323211327 .

The Government of West Bengal set up an expert committee on December 31, 1998, under the Chairmanship of Ashesh Prasad Mitra, Eminent Scientist to explore the necessity and scope for establishment of an Engineering / Technology University in the state of West Bengal. The West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata came into operation formally with the assumption of the office of the first Vice Chancellor on January 15, 2001 as a sequel to the promulgation of the West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata ACT, 2001, under West Bengal Act XV of 2000 passed by the West Bengal Legislature. The University started its academic programme, from July 16, 2001 following a Notification from the Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal dated June 15, 2001 through the affiliation of Engineering and Management Institutions / Colleges and has entered the eighth year of its functioning. The University is included in Section 2F and also in Section 12B of UGC and recipient of UGC Grant.

We are equal opportunity, affirmative action institution and do not distinguish on the basis of gender, caste, creed and religion. The West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata wants to grow nurturing innovative / novel ideas that would touch all segments of the society especially the marginalized ones. We look at technology from a broad social perspective and are organizing postgraduate courses in basic and applied sciences. The University has introduced new courses in emerging areas to develop, enhance and higher education. We strive for optimum utilization of resources and believe in unleashing individual initiative for entrepreneurial development without compromising the collective need.

The West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata is steadfast in its twin objectives one is to serve as a Center of Excellence in teaching and research in technology and management area and other one is to provide framework of industrialization based on knowledge economy. University wants to realize its mission of emerging as a Center of Excellence the University has created three Schools of Studies viz. School of Engineering & Technology (SET), School of Biotechnology & Biological Sciences (SBTBS) and School of Management and Sciences (SOMS) comprising presently of five departments viz. Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Department of Biotechnology, Department of Bioinformatics and Department of Management and Sciences.

The Schools formed in this West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata would function in the same style as the Schools in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. The Directors of the Schools ate taking steps to open up new departments in the Schools and the Departments are motivated to encourage inter-disciplinary research and teaching. All the departments enjoy full academic autonomy, and provide overall guidance in nurturing our ideas of development and help integrate disciplines to provide new focus. The SET offers B.Tech. in CSE and IT as well as M.Tech. in Software Engineering, M.E. in Computer Science & Engineering, M.E. in Information Technology, M.Tech. in Microelectronics and M.Tech. in Industrial Engineering & Management. The SBTBS offers M.Tech in Biotechnology (supported financially by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India), M.Tech. in Bioinformatics, Integrated PhD.D. Programme in Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Bioinformatics and PhD.D. programs in emerging areas. The University also offers an Integrated PhD program in Physical Science and Chemical Science in collaboration with S. N. Bose Center for Basic Sciences. The SOMS offers M.Phil in Management, Material Science and Glycobiology. SOMS has also initiated professional training courses in other countries for foreign students in collaboration with South Asian Management Technology (SAMT).

West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata teaching staff includes, besides the core faculty, visiting faculty, adjunct faculty members and distinguished visitors from the industry and front line academic and research institutes of the country and abroad. The core faculty itself comprises 37 teaching personnel.

The basic objective of the West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata shall be to organize undergraduate courses of study in Engineering and Technology, especially in emerging areas. The university now affiliates 160 institutions spread over 15 districts of the state of West Bengal. Postgraduate study is being carried out in 30 of them and research is being carried out for the grooming of scientists, engineers and technologists. We have now intake capacity of about 3000 students at post graduate level. In this venture our affiliates are our cherished partners. We continuously seel new partners in excellence be it industry or other institutions of higher learning. The West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata has intimate and collaborative linkages with national and International research institutes, University and the industries. The affiliated colleges enjoy financial autonomy from beginning. They also enjoy substantial autonomy in academic matters. They can suggest establishment of elective papers, frame their syllabus and get it ratified by the University Academic Council at UG level. The University besides being supported by the State Government and central grant giving agencies, organizes programs to generate as much as 90% of its own resources. A number of our courses offered at the UG level are now accredited by NBA. By the end of this academic session this number is expected to go up substantially.

The basic objective of the West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata shall be to organize undergraduate courses of study in engineering and technology, especially in emerging areas, post graduate programmes in sciences, engineering, technology and management education with a view to producing scientists, technologists and managers of high caliber, capable of contributing towards the development of industries. The University is also to develop Center of Excellence for higher studies and research in the above areas. We intend to create and disseminate knowledge to help to transform our country into knowledge society.

The mission of the West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata is to produce scientists, technologists and managers capable of contributing towards development of industries based on modern technology in collaboration with industries as well as national and international research laboratories and academic institutions., to provide academic guidance and support to institutions in science, engineering and management within the jurisdiction of the University, to organize distance education for students and continuing education programmes for up-dating the knowledge and skills of working professionals, to create awareness in key areas of environmental science, conservation of energy and resource, emerging technologies and to organize and offer consultancy services to industries and other organizations.

The West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata , which began operating from the West Bengal State Archives Building located at 43 Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata 700017, India is currently located at BF 142, Sector I, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700064, India with area of 45000 sq.ft. with another 20,000 sq.ft. at AQ 13/1, Sector V, Salt Lake 700091. It has a hostel to accommodate 90 students both boys and girls.

The West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata would have a permanent main campus of approximately 40 acres of land at Haringhata, District nadia, provided by the Government of West Bengal. The library was founded in 2004 with a few book racks and some donated books. Now it is a fully functional hybrid library where it is now possible to access information about the physical items as well as the digital holdings in the form of e-books and e-journals, multimedia CDROMs and software from any where through a single unified web based interface ( library portal http://library.wbut.ac.in) .

The West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata library has more e- resources than the printed resources. It has a total collection of 25965 books among which 13785 are e-books ( Annexure1), 8915 journals where 52 are printed journals including 11 foreign printed journals ( Annexure 2-3). E-journals are subscribed to from Springer link (UGC-INFONET), Science Direct (INDEST 2 offer and Life science Collection), ACM digital library, Ebscohost and IEL online. The library has also purchased the e-collection of Annual reviews back volume. The library has a collection of CDs ( near about 550) , audio Cassette ( 6 in nos.) and DVD ( 4 nos of EDUSAT lecture video ). The library is planning to subscribe more printed and e-journals according to the need of the faculty members and research scholars to support the research activities of the West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata .

As a part of a center of excellence the library of West Bengal University of Technology - WBUT Tech Kolkata tries to provide modern web based services along with the traditional services like reading room, lending , photo copying services. The library is an open access library which gives its user the facility to directly go to the rack and choose his/ her own books. The reading room has a seating capacity of 56 user at a time. It also has 10 terminals running on LTSP system used for digital library facility. On an average 40- 50 students attend use the library per day. The university will shortly start lending facility for students. Now this service is only given to faculty members and staff.

West Bengal University of Technology Address

The address of West Bengal University of Technology is BF 142, Sector 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal.

West Bengal University of Technology Website

The Website of West Bengal University of Technology is www.wbut.ac.in.

West Bengal University of Technology Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of West Bengal University of Technology is 03323210731, 03323211327 (Click phone number to call).

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